Fall 2024, in partnership with the Association of US Catholic Priests and the Catholic Climate Covenant, the Diocese of San Diego’s Creation Care Ministry coordinated an expert-led 2-part series providing an overview of the spirituality of Laudato Si’, Pope Francis’ encyclical on the care of our common home, and a scientific perspective of today’s climate crisis through the lens of our Catholic faith.
Renowned speakers include: Dan Misleh, Founding Executive Director of Catholic Climate Covenant, Erin Lothes, PhD, Senior Manager of the Laudato Si’ Movement Animator’s Program and Visiting Scholar at the Union Theological Seminary’s Center for Earth Ethics, and Phil Sakimoto, PhD, University of Notre Dame Department of Physics & Astronomy, Minor in Sustainability Director.
At the series’ conclusion, SDCatholic Creation Care’s Christina Slentz, PhD provides a primer on the Laudato Si’ Action Platform based on our efforts here in San Diego to guide follow-on action. Watch here:
Session One,
Session Two,