Cardinal McElroy’s Address to Religious Education Congress
The following is the text of the address Cardinal Robert W. McElroy delivered to the Religious Education Congress on Feb. 16, 2024, in Anaheim. Three years ago, Pope Francis initiated […]
Cardinal McElroy on the Voices of Synodal Dialogue
Discerning a pathway for the Church we love Last year, the Catholic community in the United States undertook the largest non-governmental process of interpersonal dialogue and consultation ever held in […]
Cardinal McElroy on sexual sin, the Eucharist, and LGBT and divorced / remarried Catholics
In January, America published an article I wrote on the theme of inclusion in the life of the church. Since that time, the positions I presented have received both substantial support and significant […]
Cardinal McElroy Addresses Catholic Teaching on War and Peace
NOTRE DAME, Ind. (March 1, 2023) — Cardinal Robert McElroy, Bishop of the Diocese of San Diego, led a panel discussion on the moral challenges of war and nuclear arms […]
Cardinal McElroy on ‘radical inclusion’ for L.G.B.T. people, women and others in the Catholic Church
What paths is the church being called to take in the coming decades? While the synodal process already underway has just begun to reveal some of these paths, the dialogues […]
Bishop McElroy: Pope Francis and Vatican II give us a road map for the synodal process
Can synodality become a deeper element of Catholic life in the United States? Our current process may prove this to be so. One of the central sentiments expressed in our […]
2022 Marianist Lecture – “Synodality: Proclaiming Jesus to the World” by Bishop McElroy
Bishop McElroy (Diocese of San Diego) will present on the topic of “Synodality: Proclaiming Jesus to the World” to help us prepare for the Synod on Synodality* that Pope Francis […]
Bishop’s Address: National Restorative Justice Conference
“GOOD SAMARITANS ALL” Keynote Address to the National Catholic Restorative Justice Conference Oct. 27, 2020 Bishop Robert W. McElroy The Catholic Mobilizing Network, in collaboration with the Diocese of San […]
“Voting in Faith, Rebuilding in Hope”
An Address to the Communities ofSaint Mary’s College and the University of Notre DameOctober 13, 2020Bishop Robert W. McElroy We stand poised upon the most important national election of the […]
Conscience, Candidates and Discipleship in Voting
Conscience, Candidates and Discipleship in Voting Harpst Center for Catholic Thought and Culture University of San Diego Feb. 6, 2020 Bishop Robert W. McElroy In Evangelii Gaudium, Pope Francis points powerfully […]