University of Dayton Online Courses
Cycle 1: January 20 – February 23, 2025 (Registration: Opens October 23, 2024; Closes January 16, 2025)
- Basics of Catechist Formation 1.1: Catechesis is… (Sem)
- Bible Basics
- Catechetical Methodology – AMS
- Catholic Beliefs
- Christology
- Chronic Illness: Mental Illness, Grief, Trauma Support and Counselling
- Church History 1
- Disabilities in Parish Life: An Overview (SN 1)
- Ecclesiology: Beginnings of the Church
- Faith and Human Development
- Foundations for Liturgy
- History of Catholic Social Action
- Images of Jesus
- Introduction to Christian Morality
- Introduction to Paul’s Life and Letters
- Introduction to Practical Morality
- Introduction to Prayer
- Introduction to Scripture
- Many Faces of Adult Learners (AFL 3)
- New Testament
- Old Testament
- Old Testament Literature and Theology
- Principles for Addressing Diversity Issues in Youth Ministry (YM)
- Roman Catholic Catechesis for Faith Formation
- Sacraments
- Survey of Catholic Doctrines
- Vocation, Spirituality and Discipleship of Catechists
- Who is Mary of Nazareth, and Why Should We Care? (MS)