Fallece Obispo Emérito Robert Brom

(SAN DIEGO) – El día de hoy el obispo de San Diego, Robert McElroy, emitió un comunicado en el que anuncia que el obispo Emérito Robert Brom ha fallecido. Tenía 83 años de edad.

“Es con profunda tristeza que anunció el fallecimiento del obispo Robert Brom esta mañana en su casa. El obispo Brom fue párroco, maestro y siervo fiel de la comunidad católica en los condados de San Diego e Imperial durante 23 años. Supervisó la construcción de muchas hermosas iglesias de nuestra diócesis, así como el establecimiento de dos magníficos campus de secundaria/preparatoria. Era un maestro por naturaleza que trabajaba de manera constante para llevar la eclesiología del Concilio Vaticano II al corazón de la Diócesis de San Diego. Esta dedicación al Consejo también enmarcó su servicio de toda la vida en la formación de hombres para el sacerdocio.

“El profundo amor del obispo Brom por nuestras parroquias y la visión pastoral se complementaron con una gran capacidad administrativa para guiar a San Diego a través de años de alegrías y dificultades. Durante sus años de retiro, el obispo Brom intensificó el ministerio carcelario que él mismo comenzó cuando era Obispo, así como su servicio a las Misioneras de la Caridad”.

El obispo Brom nació en Arcadia, Wisconsin, el 18 de septiembre de 1938. Fue ordenado sacerdote de la diócesis de Winona, Minnesota el 18 de diciembre de 1963. En 1983, San Juan Pablo lo nombró obispo de Duluth y luego obispo auxiliar de San Diego el 22 de abril de 1989. El obispo Brom se convirtió en obispo de San Diego el 10 de julio de 1990 y se jubiló el 18 de septiembre de 2013.

El funeral para el obispo Brom se llevará a cabo el martes, 17 de mayo a las 11 a.m. en la Iglesia de Santa Teresa de Carmel en Del Mar Heights; Misa que será transmitida en vivo. El entierro será en el Cementerio Holy Cross.

About the Coat of Arms

Bishop Pulido’s coat of arms is divided into four quarters with wavy horizontal lines from top to bottom. The blue and white lines represent the Blessed Virgin Mary. They also suggest water, which alludes to Jesus washing the feet of His disciples and to the waters of baptism. The red and gold lines represent the Holy Spirit and fire. The colors also can be seen as referring to the Blood that (along with water) poured from Jesus’ side at His crucifixion, as well as to the bread (gold) and wine (red) transformed into the Eucharist. At the center is a roundel featuring a symbolic representation of the “mandatum” (washing of the feet), which he believes exemplifies service to all humanity. The roundel’s outer edge is a line composed of small humps; it is borrowed from the coat of arms of the Diocese of Yakima, where Bishop Pulido served as a priest before being named a bishop.

About the Coat of Arms

Bishop Pham’s coat of arms depicts a red boat on a blue ocean, which is crisscrossed by diagonal lines suggesting a fisherman’s net. This symbolizes his ministry as a “fisher of men,” as well as how his own father had been a fisherman. The boat is also a symbol of the Church, which is often referred to as the “barque of Peter.” At the center of the sail is a red beehive (a symbol of the bishop’s baptismal patron saint, St. John Chrysostom, who was known as a “honey-tongued” preacher). The beehive is surrounded by two green palm branches (an ancient symbol of martyrdom; the bishop’s ancestors were among Vietnam’s first martyrs). The eight red tongues of fire around the boat are a symbol of the Holy Spirit and a representation of the diversity of ethnic and cultural communities. The red of the boat, the beehive and the tongues of fire allude to the blood of the martyrs.

About the Coat of Arms

The coat of arms combines symbols that reflect Bishop Bejarano’s spiritual life and priestly ministry. The main part of the shield shows four wavy vertical lines on a gold background. These represent flowing waters. This alludes to his chosen motto and also symbolizes the graces that come from the Divine life to quench our thirst for God. The upper third of the shield is red because it is borrowed from the coat of arms of the Order of Mercy, of which the Bishop’s patron saint, Raymond Nonnatus, was a member. The central symbol resembles a monstrance because St. Raymond is often depicted holding one. The Eucharist is Bishop Bejarano’s inspiration for his vocation. It was through the Eucharist that he received his call to the priesthood at age seven and which keeps his faith and his ministry going. It represents the call to offer oneself as a living sacrifice. The monstrance is flanked on either side by an image of the Sacred Heart, alluding to the mercy of God and echoing the idea of a sacrificial offering of oneself united to the sacrifice of Christ, and of a rose for Our Lady. It is an allusion to Our Lady of Guadalupe, patroness of the Americas, and highlights the bishop’s Hispanic heritage.
