What is it?
The Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) is the domestic, national anti-poverty program of the U.S. Catholic Bishops working to break the cycle of poverty by helping low-income people participate in decisions that affect their lives, families, and communities. CCHD offers a hand up, not a hand out.
Its mission is to address the root causes of poverty in the U.S. through promotion and support of community-controlled, self-help organizations and through education on Catholic Social Teaching. At the heart of its vision is priority for the poor and vulnerable.
If you know of an organization that could benefit from a CCHD Community Development or Economic Development Grant, please contact Bobby Ehnow at rehnow@sdcatholic.org.

Our Experience with CCHD
Grant Program
CCHD is committed to supporting organizations led by low-income individuals as they work to break the cycle of poverty and improve their communities. The CCHD grant programs to support communities are made possible by the generosity of the faithful through the annual National Collection, which falls on the Sunday before Thanksgiving.
To qualify for CCHD funds, applicant organizations must not promote, in any way, activities that work against Catholic values. CCHD’s grants to local anti-poverty efforts are screened, awarded and monitored in close partnership with local Catholic dioceses. CCHD grants to groups in a local community require the explicit approval of the bishop of that diocese.

Community Development Grant Program
CCHD Community development grant amounts range between $25,000 and $75,000. To qualify for this grant program, the organization must be led by people living in poverty who are working to address the root causes of poverty by nurturing solidarity between the poor and non-poor. Applicants must also facilitate the participation of people living in poverty to make decisions that perpetuate poverty in
their lives.
As part of such efforts, low-income people gain the ability to identify barriers, brainstorm solutions, and take action to change problematic structures and systems in their communities.
Economic Development Grant Program
CCHD Economic Development grant amounts range between $25,000 and $75,000. CCHD supports economic development initiatives that significantly include the voice of the poor and marginalized in developing new businesses that offer good jobs and/or develop assets that will be owned and enjoyed by local communities.
Strategic National Grant Program
These grants are intended for organizations working to promote justice or economic development on a statewide, regional or national level. These grants are intended for campaign-style initiatives of significant scale, with focused time-specific goals of regional or national importance.
San Diego County Grant Recipients
Restorative Justice California (RJC)
Justice Overcoming Boundaries (JOB)
San Diego Organizing Project (SDOP)
To learn more information about CCHD grants, please visit www.usccb.org/cchd.
CCHD’s quarterly newsletter, Helping People Help Themselves, features a message from the Director, Ralph McCloud, and offers inspiring examples of the good work CCHD funds.