Beginning of Life
We believe that every life is sacred and that no life—born or unborn—is disposable. All of the principles of Catholic Social Teaching flow from the core belief that every person has inherent dignity that must
be respected.
End of Life
The ultimate foundation of human dignity lies in the reality that God became man to save us and call us into communion with him. Despite our best efforts, it can sometimes be difficult to recognize the profound value of human life when we see its full weakness and fragility. Yet, the faithful care of human life until its natural end is entrusted to every person.
Post-Abortion Healing
Rachel’s Hope is a ministry of the Church to those who have been involved in abortion. Trained lay leaders provide care in English and Spanish for those suffering in the aftermath of abortion. In addition to referring for Sacramental Reconciliation, the ministry provides services, including support groups, retreats and referrals to licensed mental health professionals.