Million Meals Project

Absolutely amazing! That’s how many described the experience of packing 1.5 million meals for hungry kids living across the border and around the world in June 2023. Families, parish groups and students worked side-by-side to the beat of music. The deacons who organized it are now planning the next Million Meal Event, June 8-9, 2024.

For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me…

– Matthew 25:35

Upcoming Event

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How to Participate

This event is unlike any other project.

Volunteers of all ages and from all corners of the region come together joyously for one purpose: pack 1 million meals for kids living in poverty. They work in teams, assembly-line style, all to the beat of fun music.

In 2023, the volunteers wanted to keep going even as rain poured.

This extraordinary event returns in 2024 on June 8 and 9 at Cathedral Catholic High School. The organizers, the deacons of the San Diego Diocese, will once more need at least 3,000 volunteers and $250,000 in donations to buy the meal ingredients.

Parishes, schools, clubs and families are encouraged to organize their members to participate as a group, and to raise funds for the event. Every $1 that is donated pays for four nutritious meals, in collaboration with the organization Kids Around the World.

Sign up today to put your faith in action – and to have fun.

Our Impact

The food packed by volunteers in the Million Meal Event in June 2023 was distributed to the poorest families in Tijuana and Zambia.

The meal packets were tangible proof that individuals, families and parishes gladly put their faith in action to ease a child’s hunger and to bring them hope.


Deacon Mike Daniels
Lead Event Coordinator (St. Brigid Parish)
Mission Deanery
Phone: (858) 361-1240
deaconmikeEmail at
Caroline Kelner
St. Brigid Parish
Carolinekelner10Email at

Cathedral Deanery
Deacon James Scull
Ascension Parish
James.scullEmail at
Mission Deanery
Deacon Mike Daniels
St. Brigid Parish
deaconmikeEmail at
South Bay Deanery
Deacon Wil Hollowell
Corpus Christi Parish
deaconwilEmail at
El Cajon Deanery
Deacon Jerry Stenovec
St. Luke Parish
gmstenoEmail at
Escondido Deanery
Deacon Kevin Murray
Sacred Heart Parish (Coronado)
Kevin.m.murrayEmail at
Oceanside Deanery
Deacon John Fredette
St. Thomas More Parish
johnfEmail at
El Centro Deanery
Deacon Domingo Enriquez
El Centro Catholic
deacondomingoEmail at