Bishop McElroy has accepted the request for the retirement of Deacon Ralph Skiano at
Saint Mary Magdalene, effective June 30, 2022.
I am grateful to the following priests who have graciously accepted these appointments:
Rev. Daniel Holgren as Assoc. Pastor of Corpus Christi Parish, effective July 1, 2022.
Rev. Bernardo Lara as Pastor of Sacred Heart Parish, Saint Margaret Mary Parish in
Brawley, and Saint Joseph Parish in Westmorland, effective July 1, 2022, with
residence at Sacred Heart.
Rev. Edward Horning as Associate Pastor of Saint Mary Parish, El Centro, effective July
1, 2022.
Rev. Roldan M. Nuñez as Associate Pastor of Saint Rose of Lima Parish, Chula Vista,
effective July 1, 2022.
Rev. Devadhasan Masillamony as Pastor of Saint Therese Parish, San Diego, effective
July 1, 2022.
Rev. Corey Tufford as Santa Sophia Parish, Spring Valley, effective July 1, 2022.
Rev. Lauro Minimo as Pastor of Our Lady of Grace Parish, El Cajon, effective July 1,
Rev. Eric Tamayo as Director of the Office for Priestly Vocations and Vice-Rector at
Saint Francis Center for Priestly Formation in addition to Associate Pastor at The
Immaculata effective July 1, 2022.
As proposed by his provincial, Rev. Scott R. Santarosa, SJ, to Our Lady of Guadalupe
Parish, San Diego, effective August 1, 2022.