“We are called to love as the Blessed Virgin Mary loved, by immersing our minds and hearts in God in a continual act of adoration, so that our entire lives become an expression of the love of the Son for the Father in the unity of the Holy Spirit.”
Religious Communities
Carmelite Sisters of the Sacred Heart (CSC)
“With the strength of the Spirit, we are sent to announce and keep alive the contemplative experience of God the provident, kind and merciful Father through the various pastorals and articulated presences. Our mission must be integrating, liberating and humanizing”.
Sister(s): Rosa María Diaz, Francisca Geminiano, Maria Marin Gonzalez, Ma. del Carmen Romero
Chaldean Sisters, Daughters of Mary Immaculate Conception (DMIC)
“Our mission consists of striving with diligence and alertness to sanctifying our souls… We offer ourselves as an individual with all different kinds of talents and tasks flowing together in community life.”
Sister(s): Lourde Khoshaba, Agnes Daniel, Osabia (Madeline) Shayota, Barbara Hanna, Alexandra Matti, Hiba Yousif
Learn MoreCommunity of the Holy Spirit (CHS)
“We believe that sacredness of person is the core of the social mission. We believe that justice is an essential dimension of Christian life. We are agents and signs of the Gospel in the common struggle for justice.”
Sister(s): Mary Jo Anderson, Ruth Marie Barreda, Mary Bartosh, RayMonda DuVall, Linda J. Lutz, Toni Woodson
Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy, US Region (RSM)
“Our founding call is to bring God’s compassionate love to the world.”
Sister(s): Noreen O'Connor, Alyce Waters, Susan DeGuide, Mary O'Connor
Learn MoreDiscalced Carmelites (OCD)
“We are daughters of St. Teresa of Avila who profess an allegiance to Jesus Christ by living a consecrated life of silent, solitary prayer in a small community of sisters where we strive each day to help one another grow in love and joy, depth and devotion as we journey toward our goal: union with God.”
Sister(s): Joanna Baker, Esther Chikati, Helen (Maura) Coakley, Alberta Curran, Michaela Gresko, Electa Hevener, Jane Joppa, Justina Kim, Ancilla Murray, Maria Fideles Musiko, Xuan Pham, Leonie Williams, Ara Marie Young, Glenda Dacumos
Learn MoreDominican Sisters, Sparkill, NY (OP)
“Joyful women of prayer and compassion who proclaim the Reign of God through ministry for justice and reverence for all creation.”
Sister(s): James Louise Downey
Learn MoreEudist Servants of the Eleventh Hour (ESEH)
A self-supporting order of sisters, known as the Eudist Servants of the Eleventh Hour, who minister in Mexico and throughout the United States. Each woman dedicates the remainder of her time on Earth to Jesus Christ in the eleventh hour of her life.
Sister(s): Viola Ramírez, Lourdes Reyes
Learn MoreFranciscan Missionaries of Our Lady of Peace (MFP)
“To make salvation present by being instruments of peace, with joy and Franciscan simplicity, in unity and mercy above all human suffering.”
Sister(s): Maria Eugenia (Maru) Espinoza
Learn MoreFranciscan Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate Conception (OSF)
“… dedicated to restoring the Lord’s vineyard in prayer, sacrifice and apostolic action.”
Sister(s): Veronica (Maria Isabel) Sanchez-Carvajal, Josefina Valencia-Moreno, Elizabeth Ann Waldron-Felix
Learn MoreMaria Goretti Sisters (MGS)
“Mission: Evangelization, Empowering, Rescue, Education and Training.”
Sister(s): Candida Massabo
Learn MoreMercedarian Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament (HMSS)
“Our life revolves around the Eucharist. It is there, in silent adoration of the Blessed Sacrament that we discover the actual captivities that enslave us and our brothers and sisters.”
Sister(s): Teresita Paz, Rosa Erlinda Pocasangre, Martha Mendoza, Teresa Gomez
Learn MoreMissionaries of Charity (MC)
The Aim of our Society is to quench [[the] infinite thirst of God Made Man…
The Missionaries of Charity, using the four vows,… continually give the thirsting God to drink of their love and the love of souls they bring to Him.
Sister(s): M. Dorothy Bly, M. Monica Andresen, Maria Jojo, M. Augustina Rai, M. Kateri Wilkie, M. Hilarina Francis, M. Catherine of Siena Riley, Gabriela Paz y Puente Rodriguez, Mary Grace Medina Chavarría, M. Gloria Contreras Oceguera, M. Joy Bourgeois, M. Carmelita Carrillo Perez, M. Czestochowa Kaczor, Mary Agnes Emanuel, M. Gethsemane Zavaletta Chumbillungo, Ann Marie Nguyen, M. Clara Vilchis González, M. Catherine Joseph
Learn MoreMissionary Sisters of the Society of Mary (SMSM)
“Our specific vocation in the Church is to be at one and the same time Missionary, Marist, Religious.”
Sister(s): Christina Mac Lean, Marie Lucie Tolojanahary
Learn MoreOrder of the Incarnate Word and Blessed Sacrament (OVISS)
“We witness to the Gospel message by our love for one another, by our prayer, by our awareness of the call to conversion and by our ministry. We accomplish our mission of evangelization through Christian education, especially the faith formation of young people, by outreach to the elderly, and by discerning other needs which call forth gifts and talents of the Sisters.”
Sister(s): Maria de Lourdes Barboza-Camarena, Judith Mosera, Mary (Maria de la Paz) Mejia, Monica del Hoyo, Carmen Romero, Martha Eugenia Aldana, Fidela Guerrero-Alvarado
Learn MoreReligious of Jesus and Mary (RJM)
“As Claudine Thevenet grew in knowledge, wisdom and age, she discovered that “the best support to faithfulness in ministry is the loving help of friends who share one’s desires.” Early on, after the French Revolution, she began to know the consoling power of an expanding community, even before the foundation of her religious congregation.”
Sister(s): Natalia Mejia, Rosemary Nicholson, Martha María Torres, Sandra Salazar
Learn MoreSchool Sisters of Notre Dame (SSND)
“Educators in all we do. For us, teaching extends beyond the classroom and into the lives of the people we serve-especially women, children and persons who are poor.”
Sister(s): Cora Weismantel, Adrienne Taitano, Virginia (Gloria) Sturgeon, Mary Dietz, Guadalupe Valdez
Learn MoreSister Servants of the Blessed Sacrament (SJS)
“Catholic Sisters increasing the love of Jesus in the Eucharist and Mary, his mother, through the ecclesial ministry of Catholic education.”
Sister(s): Ana Rosa Aceves, Hilda Angélica Barrera, Irma Leticia Campos, Maria Casas, Abigail Chávez González, Katia Aimee Chávez, Alma Celina Davalos, Martha Leticia Enríquez, Margarita Gallardo-Rodríguez, M. Elvia González, Ana María Guzmán, María Guadalupe Hernández, Luz María Jiménez, Eva Lujano, Bertha Meza, Rebeca Muñoz, Ma. Esther Núñez, Brígida Órnelas, María Luisa Pelayo Almaraz, Esmeralda Razo, Gabriela Rodríguez González, Eva Rodríguez, Patricia Rodríguez, María Paz Uribe, Lilia Vega, Adriana Rebeca Zuro, María Cruz Solórzano
Learn MoreSisters for Christian Community (SFCC)
“The Mission of Sisters for Christian Community is to birth a new understanding of the reign of God. We envisoin building a global community where all will be one, and where openness to the Spirit empowers us to search new and challenging horizons.”
Sister(s): Christine Bellefontaine, Patrice Bennett, Maria Dowhaniuk, Carmen Figueroa, Gloria Galvan, Guadalupe (Lupe) Moore
Learn MoreSisters of Mercy of Americas, West-Midwest (RSM)
“As Sisters of Mercy, rooted in the spirituality of Catherine McAuley, we embrace lives of both prayer and service. In our times of prayer, we recognize God’s mercy in our daily lives and respond by offering ourselves to be a merciful presence and resource for others. We do this through our ministry in parishes, hospitals, schools and universities and in our retreat centers.”
Sister(s): Rosanne McGrath, Mary Waskowiak, Mary Kay Dobrovolny, Guia Jimenez
Learn MoreSisters of Nazareth (CSN)
“The charism of this community is to spread the message of the Redeeming Love of Jesus of Nazarene to all the families by bringing them to COMMUNION with the Trinity and Communion with the Fellow Human Beings.”
Sister(s): Rose Hoye, Anne Connors, Vera Anne Chan, Catherine M. Rea, Loreta Matila, Margaret Mary Brody, Madonna Fido, Marie McCormack
Learn MoreSisters of Providence of St. Mary of the Woods (SP)
“The Sisters of Providence are a community of Catholic women religious who collaborate with othes to create a more just and hope-filled world through prayer, education, service and advocacy.”
Sister(s): Doreen Lai, Josephine Bryan, Mary Jo Piccione
Learn MoreSisters of Social Service (SSS)
“We, Sisters of Social Service, are women of many cultures who come together to fulfill the Gospel call to care for the alienated. The right of all people to live in dignity is at the heart of our work and of our religious faith.”
Sister(s): Elizabeth Lopez, Diana Sabia, Grace Boys
Learn MoreSisters of St. Clare (OSC)
“The Sisters of St. Clare are contemplative women who live in community and are engaged in a variety of ministries using their gifts and talents in the srvice of God’s people.”
Sister(s): Madeline Fitzgerald
Learn MoreSisters of St. Francis Clinton, Iowa (OSF)
“We Clinton Franciscans, in the spirit of Saint Francis and Saint Clare, are called to contemplation and continual conversion and are sent as instruments of God’s peace. We promote active nonviolence and peacemakeing, seek justice for those marginalized and care for all creation.”
Sister(s): Patricia Weldon, LaVern Olberding
Learn MoreSisters of St. Francis Xavier (SFX)
Sister(s): Nant Shwe
Sisters of St. Francis, Philadelphia (OSF)
“We, the Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia, choose to live the Gospel in the prophetic spirit of Francis of Assisi and our foundress Mother Francis Bachmann. With Jesus Christ as Brother, we live as sister with one another, with the entire human family, and with all creation. Calling ourselves and one another to continuous conversion of heart, we commit ourselves to a life of contemplation, poverty, and humility.”
Sister(s): Maria Anna (Peaches) Dela Paz, Mary Kiely
Learn MoreSisters of St. Francis, Rochester (OSF)
“Led by the Holy Spirit to embrace the Gospel life of continual conversion, through prayer, community and service, in the tradition of Francis, Clare and Mother Alfred, we, Rochester Franciscan Sisters and Cojourners, commit ourselves to be a compassionate presence for peace in our world, striving for justice and reverence for all creation.”
Sister(s): Kathleen Warren
Learn MoreSisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet, Los Angeles (CSJ)
“Our mission: To continue the mission of Jesus “that all may be one,” (John 17:21) We minister is a way that: heals and reconciles, serves all persons without distinction, makes known through their lives the gospel they proclaim, enables others to assume a more active responsiblity for continuing the mission of Jesus, recognizes and defends the human dignity of all persons. promotes justice with a particular concern for the poor.”
Sister(s): Maureen Evelyn Brown, Frances Michele Francese, Suzanne Ensminger, Dolores Anchondo, Charlene Del Bianco, Sally Koch
Learn MoreSisters of St. Joseph of Orange (CSJO)
“The mission of all Sisters of St. Joseph is a participation in the mission of Jesus: to bring all people into union with God and with one another, serving them according to their needs and their own various gifts, in all the spiritual and corporal works of mercy that may be within the power of the congretation.”
Sister(s): Joyce Anne (Joy) Thomas
Learn MoreSisters of the Precious Blood (C.PP.S.)
Urged by the redeeming love of Jesus the Christ and rooted in Eucharistic prayer, we Sisters of the Precious Blood proclaim God’s love by being a life-giving, reconciling presence in our fractured world.
Sister(s): Mary Yarger
Learn MoreSociety of the Holy Child Jesus (SHCJ)
“To rejoice in God’s presence and to help people believe that God lives and acts in them and in our world.”
Sister(s): Ann Durst
Learn MoreSociety of the Sacred Heart (RSCJ)
“The Society of the Sacred Heart unites some 2,200 women in 41 countries in a global mission: to deepen our understanding of God’s love and reveal it to the world through the service of education.”
Sister(s): Virginia Rodee, Mary Hotz, Anne Wente, Marina Hernandez, Marie Louise Flick, Annette Schmeling, Regina Shin, Lisa Buscher, Ruth Cunnings, Juliet Mousseau, Theresa (Terri) Monroe, Mary Kay Hunyady
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