Working Together to Overcome Racism
The U.S. Catholic Church at all levels is tackling the sin of racism and working toward lasting justice and peace.
At the San Diego Diocese, the Office of Ethnic and Intercultural Communities hosted a series of community forums via Zoom to explore racism in various arenas and to identify long-term solutions that can be implemented locally.
Five forums, called “My Church, My Story: Listen, Dialogue and Action,” were held from August of 2020 to February of 2021. Each focused on the experiences of African Americans, Latinos, Native Americans, Asian and Pacific Islanders and immigrants and refugees.
Each forum featured speakers who shared their story and how racism had affected their life, particularly in the Church. Then participants were invited to propose ways their parishes, diocese and the Church itself could root out racism.

Videos of the speakers are presented on this page, as well as videos on related themes. The participants’ comments and recommendations were summarized in a report, also available on this page, which was shared with the Bishop, the diocese’s leadership and its clergy.
The Office organized special Masses to call attention to the pain two populations are enduring and to pray for racial healing. The first was held on June 7, 2020, for the African American community in the wake of the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis. The second one was held April 15 to accompany the Asian and Pacific Islander communities, which have been the target of verbal and physical assaults and deadly violence across the country.
“My Church, My Story” Videos
My Church, My Story:
Dr. Constance Carroll
My Church, My Story:
Deacon Marvin Threatt
Bishop Robert McElroy
‘My Church, My Story,”
Sister Galván
“Mi Iglesia, Mi Historia”,
Hermana Galván
'My Church, My Story,'
Monserrat Ramírez
'Mi Iglesia, Mi Historia',
Monserrat Ramírez
“My Church, My Story,”
Prof. Patricia Dixon
“My Church, My Story,”
Judy Oyos-Robinson
“My Church, My Story,”
Phyllis Van Wanseele
My Church, My Story - The Asian Pacific Islander Experience
My Church, My Story:
The Immigrant Experience
Other video resources
Second Sunday in
Ordinary Time
Sharing the Good News
California Bishops | Stations of the Cross: Overcoming Racism
African American Catholics
Many Cultures, One Church
Addressing Racial Prejudice:
Black and Catholic
San Diego Diocese
- November 8, 2023 ”We acknowledge and share the deep grief felt by Jewish and Muslim people at the escalating cycle of violence that is consuming the Holy Land.”
Statement of San Diego Christian Bishops on the Rise of Religious Hatred in Our Midst.
- November 8, 2023 “Reconocemos y compartimos la profunda tristeza del pueblo judío y musulmán ante el creciente ciclo de violencia que está consumiendo la Tierra Santa.“
Declaración de los Obispos Cristianos de San Diego Sobre el Aumento del Odio Religioso en Nuestra Comunidad.
- April 15, 2021 ”We must in shame recognize those moments when we have contributed to the terrible legacy of racism in our world.”
Bishop McElroy’s Homily in Mass for Racial Healing, for and with the AAPI community.
- July 14, 2020 ”Racial turmoil rends our nation and demands that we confront our long history of racial and ethnic prejudice.”
Bishop McElroy’s homily at the ordination Mass of Auxiliary Bishop Ramón Bejarano.
- July 14, 2020 ”La agitación racial desgarra nuestra nación y nos obliga a enfrentar nuestra larga historia de prejuicios raciales y étnicos.”
La homilia del Obispo Robert McElroy en la ordenación del Obispo Auxiliar Ramón Bejarano.
- June 7, 2020 ”This must be a moment of transformation.”
Bishop McElroy’s homily at a Mass for Catholic African American leaders.
- June 7, 2020 ”Este debe ser un momento de transformación”
Homilia por el Obispo McElroy en una Misa para los líderes afro-americanos católicos.
- June 1, 2020 ”Reconocemos y compartimos la profunda tristeza del pueblo judío y musulmán ante el creciente ciclo de violencia que está consumiendo la Tierra Santa.”
Bishop McElroy’s statement in light of the killing of George Floyd.
- Reconocemos y compartimos la profunda tristeza del pueblo judío y musulmán ante el creciente ciclo de violencia que está consumiendo la Tierra Santa.
Declaración del Obispo McElroy tras la muerte de George Floyd.
California Catholic Conference
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops
- June 11, 2023 A Pastoral Letter on Racial Healing: “We Are One Body”
- March 22, 2021 Statement of U.S. bishops on discrimination against the Asian community
- Feb. 1, 2021 U.S. Bishop chairmen welcome Administration’s racial equity actions on housing and prisons
- Jan. 15, 2021 President of U.S. Bishops: This year, we remember Dr. Martin Luther King’s belief in nonviolence and the power of love
- Aug. 27, 2020 Bishops urge day of prayer in wake of Kenosha violence
- May 5, 2020 Bishop chairmen condemn racism and xenophobia in the context of the coronavirus pandemic
- U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (Resources)
- Practical steps for Eradicating Racism
- “Open Wide Our Hearts: The enduring call to love,” a pastoral letter against racism
- “Abramos Nuestros Corazones: El incesante llamado al amor”, Carta pastoral contra el racism
- “Open Wide Our Hearts” (Study Guide)
- Prayer Service for Racial Healing