(SAN DIEGO, March 4, 2020) – Bishop Robert McElroy, who heads the Catholic Diocese of San Diego, issued the following statement today regarding changes parishioners and the public will see at Mass in response to the potential spread of the coronavirus, or COVID -19. The diocese continues to be in contact with state and county health officials and will be guided by their recommendations:
“The spread of the novel coronavirus in the United States presents a challenge to all of us, one that requires vigilance, caution and calm. We recognize that the level of anxiety is high, but the level of the virus in our population remains very low, much lower than seasonal influenza.
“Still, I want to respond to these concerns and examine whether we need to make some temporary changes to our celebration of the Eucharist.
“For now, all parishes will suspend the practice of sharing Communion (the Most Precious Blood) by cup. All parishes will also take steps to limit the distribution of the Eucharist (Communion) on the tongue. For the Sign of Peace, the part of the Mass when Catholics traditionally reach out to one another or embrace, people are asked to simply act with prudence; touching is not required.
“We remain in close communication with state and county health authorities and will reach out to our faith community if further changes are needed.”