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Policies & Guidelines


Length of Parish Sacramental Preparation Formation

Programs which Respect Language, Culture and Disabilities

Programs which Respect Language, Culture and Disabilities

Programs which Respect Language, Culture and Disabilities

Each parish shall provide educational ministry programs of catechesis, youth ministry, and evangelization, which respect language and cultural diversity, as well as the unique abilities and disabilities of every parishioner.

Guidelines for Implementation:

  1. Each parish should establish a single board, commission or committee for educational ministry advisory to the pastor and having responsibility for the total educational mission of the parish. All educational programs—including the parochial school where applicable—should fall within its scope (cf. National Catechetical Directory, Section 224).

  2. This commission or committee should have a representative on the parish pastoral council.

Insurance Coverage for Children and Youth

All children and youth participating in parish educational ministry activities must be covered under the blanket accident/medical insurance program currently in effect through Myers Stevens.


**Note: This coverage is for accidents which occur during parish sponsored and supervised educational activities of up to 72 hours duration. Beyond 72 hours, an additional fee is required for extended coverage.

Guidelines for Implementation:

  1. Proof of liability insurance or a Certificate of Insurance should be provided upon request to any retreat facility, camp or other conference center used for children or youth activities or meetings. Note: Contact Catholic Mutual (858-490-8285) for an appropriate insurance certificate.

Notification for Off-site Events

When taking a group of children or youth off parish premises and beyond or out of the county of the parish, the diocesan insurance agent must be notified by the person responsible for the group outing.


Note: Our diocesan agent is:

Robert Blodgett, Catholic Mutual Group,
3888 Paducah Drive
San Diego, CA 92117
(858) 490-8285

When taking children or youth off the parish premises, parishes shall require that each child or youth present a completed Parental/Guardian Consent Form and Liability Waiver for the activity. Children or youth without this form shall not be allowed to participate in the activity.

Requirements for Drivers Transporting Minors

All drivers transporting minors for parish educational ministry activities must be 21 years of age or older, have a valid, non-probationary driver’s license and no physical disability that could in any way impair their ability to drive the vehicle safely.


The vehicle of any driver who transports minors to and/or from any event must be insured to the minimum limits of $100,000 per person/$300,000 per occurrence. The vehicle must have a valid and current registration and valid and current license plates.


When using a passenger van that seats more than ten persons, the driver must have a Class B driver’s license.


A signed Driver Information Sheet for Events Off Parish Premises on each vehicle must be submitted, prior to the trip, to the parish staff person responsible for the activity.

Reporting Accidents

When a child or youth is injured, either on or off the parish premises, an Accident Reporting Form shall be filled out immediately, in triplicate. One copy shall be retained for parish files, one copy given to the parent(s) or guardian(s) of the injured youth and one copy shall be sent to the Diocesan Insurance Agent.

Child Abuse Reporting (revised 7/04)

All diocesan and parish personnel, identified as “child care custodians” by Law (cf. PC 11166), must be made aware of the California Child Abuse Reporting Law PC 11166 and shall sign a Certification of Awareness verifying that he or she has knowledge of the provisions of the law and will comply with its provisions.


Certification of Awareness forms shall be provided to employees and volunteers by immediate supervisors (e.g. Pastor, DCM, Coordinator, etc.). Current personnel identified as “child care custodians” must complete this form immediately. New personnel shall complete this form at initiation of service. A copy of the Certification of Awareness form should be given to the personnel member who has signed it.


Signed forms are to be kept on file by the immediate supervisor for all personnel during the term of service and for five years thereafter.

Manner of Reporting Child Abuse

Child abuse reporting shall be handled in the following manner:


  1. All educational ministry volunteers who suspect that the physical or mental health or welfare of a child or youth may be adversely affected by abuse or neglect shall report it to the DCM, who shall then call the Child Protective Services.
  2. A DCM or Coordinator of Youth Ministry who suspects that the physical or mental health or welfare of a child or youth may be adversely affected by abuse or neglect shall report it directly to Child Protective Services.


Note: Forms for reporting are available through Child Protective Services (San Diego County, 858-560-2191; Imperial County, 1-800-344-6000).


  1. The Pastor should be promptly informed that a report is being filed; to the extent possible, before it is filed.

Need for Systematic Catechetical Formation

Parishes shall provide for the catechetical formation of adults, young people and children (see Code of Canon Law, Canons 773, 776,777), through systematic formal catechesis of sufficient length and intensity to ensure effective faith and sacramental formation at each level. Parish catechetical programs should include the formation of persons of particular or cultural groups and persons with disabilities.

Home Schooling in Religion

Since the pastor has the obligation to know of the parents’ intention to home school their children, parents must notify the pastor early in the process. Parents are required to follow the guidelines set by the pastor and must register their child/young person with the parish Director of Catechetical Ministry or Coordinator.

Guidelines for Implementation

  1. The religious education of children and youth is the responsibility of parents, pastors and the local parish community. Canon Law (773, 774 §1 and 2) supports this direction. Therefore it is the obligation of parish leadership to provide religious education programming for children/young people. In situations where some families choose to “home school” their children, it must be understood that these efforts cannot be done independently of the parish.
  2. The primary responsibility of parents for the education and formation of their children in the Faith cannot be interpreted in an isolated way, since the family is an integral part of the larger ecclesial community. All religious education must be carried out in a way that builds unity within the Church. No home schooling can be tolerated which does not promote the understanding that being a Christian is not a private matter of individual choice but rather of a personal vocation within the context of the Church lived out in the experience of the parish community.
  3. Home schooling parents are responsible for the participation of their children/young person in the immediate sacramental preparation as required or approved by the parish, through interviews for sacramental readiness, practice for sacramental celebrations, appropriate initiation rites and retreats.
  4. Home schooling parents must participate in parish parent meetings and parent preparation programs for the sacraments.
  5. Parents have the responsibility to participate in catechetical formation so that they will be able to prepare their child/young person for the sacraments, in collaboration with the parish community. This is supported by Canon Law (780).
  6. With regard to the sacraments of Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation parents must ensure that their children/young people are correctly prepared and connected to the local parish.
  7. The pastor and DCM will require a periodic progress report to be made by home school parents. A form should be developed by the parish to assist in this reporting. Children/young people must be interviewed by the Pastor, DCM or designated representative to determine their understanding of and readiness for the reception of the Sacraments.
  8. Since the passing on of the faith tradition is the responsibility of the whole parish community; pastors, parents and DCM’s must collaborate to insure that the children/young people are appropriately catechized and prepared for the reception of the sacraments. As parishioners, families are expected to participate in the parish Sunday liturgy.
  9. The rights of children and young people to catechetical formation can best be served when pastors, parents and catechists offer formation appropriate to the level, development and disposition of the young person.
  10. The parish DCM should serve as a resource to parents.Recommended textbooks and other appropriate materials must be used in all sessions. The Catechism of the Catholic Church and the General Directory for Catechesis are excellent resources for parents and catechists.

Right of Children to Receive Penance/Eucharist

Children who have reached the age of reason have the right to receive First Penance/Reconciliation and First Communion as stated in Canon 913.1: “For the administration of the Most Holy Eucharist to children, it is required that they have sufficient knowledge and careful preparation so as to understand the mystery of Christ according to their capacity, and can receive the Body of the Lord with faith and devotion.

Guidelines for Implementation

  1. Those responsible for parish sacramental preparation programs should arrange for parents to be involved in the preparation of children.

Norm for Reception of Sacrament of Penance

Catechesis for the Sacrament of Penance is to precede First Communion and must be kept distinct by a clear and unhurried separation. This is to be done so that the specific identity of each sacrament is apparent and so that, before receiving First Communion, the child will be familiar with the revised Rite of Reconciliation and will be at ease with its celebration. The Sacrament of Penance normally should be celebrated prior to the reception of First Communion.


Canon 914 clearly expresses that First Penance/Reconciliation, in a normative way, is to precede First Communion:


“It is the responsibility, in the first place, of parents and those who take the place of parents as well as of the pastor to see that children who have reached the use of reason are correctly prepared and are nourished by the divine food as early as possible, preceded by sacramental confession; it is also for the pastor to be vigilant lest any children come to the Holy Banquet who have not reached the use of reason or whom he judges are not sufficiently disposed.”

Catechesis for Sacrament of Reconciliation

Catechesis of children for Reconciliation must always respect the natural disposition, ability, age and circumstances of individuals. (See NCD,126) It should seek:

  1. to make clear the relationship of the sacrament to the child’s life;
  2. to help the child recognize moral good and evil, repent of wrong doing and turn for forgiveness to Christ and the Church;
  3. to encourage the child to see that, in this sacrament, faith is expressed by being forgiven and forgiving;
  4. to encourage the child to approach the sacrament freely and regularly.

Guidelines for Implementation:

  1. The rights of children to the sacraments of Penance and Eucharist can best be served when pastors, parents and catechists offer formation for these sacraments appropriate to the level and development of the child. The preparation for and celebration of these sacraments should be suited to the level, development and disposition of the young person.
  2. Parents have the responsibility to participate in their own catechetical formation so that they will be able to prepare their child for these sacraments in collaboration with the parish community.
  3. It is the responsibility of the parish community to provide catechetical formation and support for parents in the preparation of their children for these sacraments.
  4. The preparation for Reconciliation and Eucharist is an ongoing process which begins long before the celebration of the sacraments. The preparation for the sacrament of Penance is separated from and precedes the preparation for the sacrament of Eucharist.
  5. Parents, in consultation with the catechetical staff, discern the readiness of their child for the sacraments. While the celebration of first Penance before first Eucharist is the norm, it is acknowledged that there may be individual exceptions.
  6. It is recommended that a communal celebration (Rite 2), that includes the family, be used for first Penance. A family celebration at a Sunday liturgy is recommended for first Eucharist.
  7. Home-schoolers are required to participate in the immediate preparation for the sacraments in which all parish children participate, e.g., interviews for sacramental readiness, practice for sacramental celebrations, retreats, etc.
  8. Since children are celebrating these sacraments for the first time, it is imperative that they have a positive experience. Priests, especially in the sacrament of Penance, need to be gentle and compassionate realizing the sensitivity of the child and/or the person with special needs.
  9. A fuller catechesis for the sacraments of Penance and Eucharist should be provided each year. As part of their on-going catechetical formation, celebrations of Liturgies with Children and communal Penance celebrations should be provided annually. For those who have postponed the sacraments of Penance, an appropriate opportunity is provided in these communal celebrations.
  10. Because continuing, lifelong conversion is part of what it means to grow in faith, catechesis for the Sacrament of Penance is ongoing. Children have a right to a fuller catechesis each year. Adults also have a right to continuing catechesis concerning the sacrament. Lent is an especially appropriate season for this.

Reception of Penance by Persons with Developmental Disabilities

No age or grade is set for reception of the sacrament of Penance/Reconciliation by persons who are developmentally disabled.

Reception of Eucharist by Persons with Developmental Disabilities

No age or grade is set for the reception of Eucharist by persons who are developmentally disabled. Any person with developmental disabilities may be admitted to the Eucharist if, after sufficient preparation, he or she:


  1. has some understanding of the person of Jesus, his life, death and resurrection;
  2. is able to distinguish between the Eucharist and ordinary bread;
  3. shows some desire to receive the Eucharist.


Such a person may need the help of others to demonstrate the above. If following catechesis, there is a question whether the above conditions are met, the person with developmental disabilities may be admitted to the Eucharist with the consent of the pastor, parent and catechist.

Guidelines for Implementation

  1. Judgement of readiness should balance reverence for the sacraments with each person’s need and right to the benefits of the sacraments.
  2. In case of doubt whether the conditions for reception are met, the presumption of readiness should be in favor of the recipient of the sacraments in question, with pastor, parents and catechist consenting.
  3. Persons with disabilities should be provided the necessary adaptations and supports from others regarding preparation for the Sacraments of Penance and Eucharist, and so that they may actively and meaningfully participate in sacramental celebrations.

Employment of Professional Ministers

Each parish shall engage sufficiently trained ministers (hired and/or volunteer) to ensure that parish catechetical needs are met.

Guidelines for Implementation

  1. Parishes with less than 300 supporting families should hire or appoint a competent coordinator, responsible, under supervision of the pastor, for organizing and implementing parish catechetical programs.
  2. Parishes of 300 or more supporting families should hire a qualified Director of Catechetical Ministry and in parishes of 500 or more families, this person should be full time.
  3. The parish Director of Catechetical Ministry should ordinarily be the professional staff person responsible for the coordination and administration of the total religious education program of the parish under the supervision of the pastor. This person may be assisted by other staff persons responsible for one or more specific areas of parish catechesis.

Certification for All Catechists

All active catechists and teachers of religion shall be certified or in the process of certification through the California Catechist Certification programs offered by the diocese. All certification is issued for three years, renewable

  1. Parish catechists and parochial school catechists, including all catechists of adolescents and catechists for Christian Initiation of Adults and Children of Catechetical age, shall obtain California Catechist Certification by completing one of the following:
    a.) the Basic Catechist Formation Course offered through the diocese;
    b.) the certification courses (totaling 45 hours) offered through the San Diego Diocesan Institute for Adult Education and Ministry Formation;
    c.) those specific courses or workshops, identified by means of an individual catechist profile evaluation, which remain necessary for certification.
  2. Parochial school teachers shall have two years from the commencement of their service as religion teachers to complete catechist certification.
  3. Catechists for preschool, special religious education and infant baptism programs shall be certified by completing the appropriate diocesan specialization course.

Renewal of Catechist Certification

All catechists and teachers of religion shall renew their certification every three years. They must obtain the required number of clock hours or units of credit before the expiration date of their certification.


  1. Renewal of certification for parochial school teachers of religion is earned by completing one of the following:
    a.) an approved 45 hour (3 units) course in Scripture or Theology;
    b.) an approved 30 hours (2 units) course in Scripture or Theology and 15 hours (1 unit) of diocesan sponsored workshops, seminars or courses explicitly designated for certification renewal credit;
    c.) two approved 15 hour (1 unit each) courses in Scripture or Theology and 15 hours (1 unit) of diocesan sponsored or approved Theology, Scripture or catechetical institutes, workshops, seminars or courses explicitly designated for certification renewal credit.
  2. Renewal of certification for parish catechists is earned by completing 30 clock hours of diocesan designated or approved courses.


Note: Inservice conducted at the local parish level, though valued for enriching catechists, does not ordinarily qualify for renewal credit. A description of courses offered at the local level may be submitted to the Office for Evangelization and Catechetical Ministry in order to be approved for renewal credit for parish catechists.

Master Catechist Certification and Renewal

Master Catechist candidates shall obtain California Master Catechist Certification by completing the diocesan Master Catechist Certification Course. Master Catechist Certification is granted for three years and is renewed on the basis of the following components of ongoing formation:


  1. participation in group opportunities for spiritual formation and community experience;
  2. completion of 45 clock hours of course work and/or workshops in accord with individual need and approved by the Diocesan Office for Catechetical Ministry;
  3. evaluation by the Diocesan Office for Evangelization and Catechetical Ministry of their performance in teaching the Basic Catechist Formation Course.

Preparation for Confirmation

Permanent records of staffing and attendance for parish catechetical programs are to be maintained. They are the property of the parish.

Guidelines for Implementation

Catechetical records should include records for


  1. Catechist certification and renewal
  2. Student permanent records which include sacramental history and program participation
  3. Budget items, such as receipts, disbursements, petty cash, budget projections, etc.
  4. Child abuse reporting forms should be kept on file for five years.
  5. Legal documents such as medical release forms, parent consent forms, child abuse reporting forms, etc. should be kept on file for two years.
  6. Accident reports should be kept on file for two years.

Preparation for Confirmation

Note: For further information and supporting materials, contact the Office for Youth and Young Adult Ministry


  1. Preparation for reception of the Sacrament of Confirmation should be seen as a component of the ongoing catechesis and faith development of the candidates.


Preparation for Confirmation should aim at leading the Christian toward a more intimate union with Christ and a more lively familiarity with the Holy Spirit…in order to be more capable of assuming the apostolic responsibilities of Christian life. To this end catechesis for Confirmation should strive to awaken a sense of belonging to the Church of Jesus Christ, the universal Church as well as the parish community (Catechism of the Catholic Church,1309).


  1. While there is no specified diocesan program of preparation for Confirmation, there are specific requirements which candidates must meet to qualify for receiving the sacrament.
  2. All who meet the candidate requirements are eligible for reception of the Sacrament of Confirmation regardless of whether they have completed a particular program.




  • There is more to parish youth ministry than preparation of the Sacrament of Confirmation and its celebration which is only one component or part of the total process of catechesis and faith development for adolescents.
  • Parishes should develop guidelines regarding preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation which implement diocesan policies.

Confirmation Candidate Requirements

  1. BAPTISM AND THE STATE OF GRACE: One must be validly baptized to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation (Canon 889.1). In addition, if baptized persons have the use of reason, it is required that they be in the state of grace, properly instructed and able to renew their baptismal promises (Rite of Confirmation, 12).
  2. MINIMUM AGE: Fifteen (15) is the minimum age for Confirmation in the Diocese of San Diego, except for the case of unbaptized children of catechetical age (catechumens) who should receive Confirmation when they are baptized and the case of baptized Christian children of catechetical age but not Catholic (candidates) who should receive Confirmation when they are received into the full communion of the Catholic Church.
  3. FORMATION IN THE FAITH OF THE CHURCH: Candidates for confirmation are required to evidence an understanding of the Catholic faith appropriate to their age. This means that they should have integrated all their years of catechesis and acquired appreciation of what the Church teaches. As a minimum, candidates are expected to show competence in the following four areas of Christian catechesis found in the Catechism of the Catholic Church:
    • The Creed in which the Christian mystery is the object of faith;
    • The Sacred Liturgy in which the Christian mystery is celebrated and communicated in liturgical actions;
    • The Christian Way of Life in which the Christian mystery is the basis for the proper formation of conscience and for living according to the moral and social teaching of the Church; and
    • Christian Prayer in which the Christian mystery is the basis for prayer, the privileged expression of which is the Our Father.
  4. EXPERIENCE OF CHRISTIAN LIVING prior to Confirmation is demonstrated by:
    • faithful participation in the sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist;
    • a commitment to ongoing human and spiritual growth and development through prayer and good works;
    • involvement in the parish community.
  5. PROPER DISPOSITION as evidenced by:
    • a stated personal desire to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation;
    • willingness to witness more firmly to Christ by word and action;
    • acceptance of the responsibility to be an active adult member of the Church, to continue to mature in faith, and to put one’s faith into practice.




  • Parishes are responsible to provide opportunities which will assist young people to meet the candidate requirements for Confirmation.

Readiness of Candidates

Each parish is responsible for developing a process whereby, according to the candidate requirements, the readiness of individuals to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation is determined.



  1. Pastors, parents, sponsors, coordinators of youth ministry and others involved in ministry with youth should take part in this process.
  2. Candidate readiness is defined in terms of requirements which do not include participation in a program but are taken from the Rite of Confirmation and Canon Law.
  3. The Sacrament of Confirmation should not be seen as a reward or something one can or must earn.
  4. There are many ways to determine whether, according to the candidate requirements, an individual is ready to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation, e.g. interviews and evaluations by those involved in ministry with the candidates – pastors, parents, sponsors, youth ministers.
  5. Ultimately, the burden of responsibility for meeting the requirements for the reception of Confirmation belongs to the candidates and so they should be involved in discerning readiness.
  6. Appropriate adaptations in candidate requirements should be made for persons with developmental disabilities who have the use of reason. Judgment of readiness for them to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation should be based on whether they demonstrate acceptance of the faith and a desire for greater participation in the life and mission of the Church.

Immediate Preparation for Confirmation

After determination of readiness, candidates are expected to participate in immediate short-term preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation which should include:


  1. catechesis on the Holy Spirit based on the Catechism of the Catholic Church, nos. 683-747.
  2. catechesis on the Sacraments of Christian Initiation based on the Catechism of the Catholic Church: Baptism (nos.1213-1284); Confirmation (nos. 1285-1321); Eucharist (nos. 1322-1419).
  3. a day or evening of prayer;
  4. communal celebration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation;
  5. review of the Rite of Confirmation (see Guidelines for the Celebration of Confirmation
  6. rehearsal for the celebration of Confirmation.


Note: The components and length of time for immediate preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation is determined by the parish. Immediate preparation should be adapted to the needs of persons with developmental disabilities.

Sponsors for Confirmation

After determination of readiness, candidates are expected to participate in immediate short-term preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation which should include:

  1. As far as possible there should be a sponsor for each of those confirmed (Rite of Confirmation, 5). It is not recommended that two or more candidates share the same sponsor.
  2. To be a Confirmation sponsor, a person must:
    • be at least 16 years of age and sufficiently mature for this responsibility;
    • be a Catholic who has been confirmed, has already received first Eucharist and is leading a life in harmony with the faith and the role to be undertaken;
    • not be a parent of the candidate; and
    • not be prohibited by law from exercising the role of sponsor.


[See Canon 893 with reference to Canon 874; Rite of Confirmation, 6]



  • Each candidate may have only one sponsor and the sponsor does not have to be of the same gender as the candidate.
  • It is desirable that one of the baptismal godparents also be the sponsor at Confirmation. This expresses more clearly the relationship between Baptism and Confirmation and also makes the function and responsibility of the sponsor more effective. Nonetheless, the choice of a special sponsor for Confirmation is not excluded.
  • Sponsors should be chosen because they will be able to be present for the scheduled celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation and available thereafter to help the newly confirmed fulfill their baptismal promises.
  • If from the same parish or locality, it is recommended that sponsors, along with parents, join the candidates on their faith journey during the period of immediate preparation.

Confirmation Name

The new rite says nothing about taking a new name at Confirmation. Therefore, candidates may retain their baptismal name rather than take a new one. This is desirable because it manifests an understanding of the fact that confirmation “completes the grace of Baptism.” Nonetheless, a special Confirmation name may be taken if desired. In this case it should be the name of a saint whose life-style or virtues the candidate wishes to emulate.

Dress for the Sacrament of Confirmation

The dress encouraged for the candidates should not give the impression of a graduation. Regular dress attire is satisfactory. However, to emphasize the relationship between Confirmation and Baptism, a white garment or robe might be used at Confirmation, just as a white robe is used to clothe newly baptized.


The practice in some places of using stoles at Confirmation seems to have risen out a desire to provide a symbol of Confirmation. However, the distinction between the universal priesthood of all the baptized and the ministerial priesthood of the ordained is blurred when the distinctive garb of ordained ministers is used in this manner. Therefore, stoles should not be used by the newly confirmed.

Record of Conferral of Confirmation

The names of the confirmed with mention of the minister, the parents and the sponsors, the place and the date of the conferral of Confirmation are to be noted in the Confirmation register of the parish.


Notation of the conferral of Confirmation is also to be made in the baptismal register or sent to the church of Baptism.

Promotion of Evangelization

Parishes should promote a process of evangelization which is sensitive to people of every race and nation, of every language and culture, rich and poor alike (See General Plan: Unity in Communion and Mission, pages 1-2). Evangelization “means bringing the Good News of Jesus into every human situation and seeking to convert individuals and society by the divine power of the Gospel itself. Its essence is the proclamation of salvation in Jesus Christ and the response of a person in faith, both being the work of the Spirit of God.” (Go and Make Disciples, Study Edition, page 10.)

Guidelines for Implementation:

  1. An evangelizing parish recognizes the individual as well as groups and organizations and fosters their integration into the life and mission of the Church.
  2. An evangelizing parish provides family oriented and intergenerational programs which will hand on the faith from one generation to another.
    • An evangelizing parish has a structure and atmosphere that will draw new members into becoming involved, nurtured and strengthened, thus becoming evangelizers themselves.

Goals for Evangelization

Evangelization is understood as a life long commitment by all who claim Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Goals for evangelization include:


  1. To bring about in all Catholics such an enthusiasm for their faith that, in living their faith in Jesus, they freely share it with others (Go and Make Disciples, page 17).
  2. To invite all people…whatever their social or cultural background to hear the message of salvation in Jesus Christ, so they may come to join us in the fullness of the Catholic faith (Go and Make Disciples, page 18).
  3. To foster Gospel values in our society, promoting the dignity of the human person, the importance of the family, and the common good of our society, so that [we] may continue to be transformed by the saving power of Jesus Christ (Go and Make Disciples, page 18).
  4. To provide programs which are inclusive of persons with special needs and which respect the language, cultural diversity, popular piety, and spirituality of its members.

Small Church Communities

Where it would serve the good of the Church, parishes should develop small church/Christian communities to empower people and provide opportunities for them to connect faith and life on a regular basis, to build up the parish community and to strengthen the life and mission of the Church. To be authentic, small communities must remain in union with the local and universal Church and not become isolated or self serving (See General Directory for Catechesis, #263).

Guidelines for Implementation:

  1. Small communities meet on a regular basis for prayer and support, for reflection on the Sunday Scriptures in light of their own life experience, and for ongoing catechesis leading to service and outreach.
  2. Small communities are comprised of approximately 8-12 adults who mirror the diversity of the larger parish community. They build families of faith which foster a sense of belonging, nurturing, and ongoing conversion in a safe environment.
  3. Facilitators of small communities should be chosen for their pastoral qualities and should participate in initial and ongoing formation. Facilitators meet regularly as a group with the pastor and/or pastoral staff to ensure unity with the vision and mission of the parish.

Process for Initiation of Adults

In accord with the 1972 Decree of the Congregation for Divine Worship, every parish shall have a process for the Order of Christian Initiation for Adults and for Children of Catechetical Age, based on the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (hereafter RCIA). This process is normative for the Christian Initiation of everyone including all cultural groups and persons with disabilities.

Christian Initiation of Children

The Order of Christian Initiation is to be used for all unbaptized persons (Catechumens) and baptized Christians but not Catholics (Candidates) seeking reception into the full communion of the Catholic Church who have reached the age of reason.


Children of catechetical age, both Catechumens and Candidates, must follow in the complete adult process of initiation with adaptations to suit their age and level of understanding (See RCIA, Part II, Chapter 1).


The Order of Christian Initiation may be used for baptized uncatechized Catholic adults and children preparing for Confirmation and the Eucharist, preceded by First Penance. These, however, may be otherwise catechized for the Sacraments of Penance, Eucharist and Confirmation (For adults, seeRCIA, Part II, Chapter 4).


Modifications of the Order of Christian Initiation are used for persons in particular circumstances:


    1. catechumens in exceptional circumstances (See RCIA, Part II, Chapter 2);


  1. persons who have reached the age of reason, whether catechumens or not, who are in danger of death but are not at the point of death (See RCIA, Part II, Chapter 3).


Note: The distinction must be made between the unbaptized who become catechumens and baptized Christians but not Catholics who become candidates for reception into the full communion of the Catholic Church.

Length of the Catechumenate Period

The process for Christian Initiation, including the periods of Precatechumenate, Catechumenate, Purification and Enlightenment, and Mystagogy, should be situated within the life of the parish community. The period of the Catechumenate should extend for at least one year of formation and instruction and should include a thoroughly comprehensive catechesis on the truths of Catholic doctrine and moral life and a profound sense of the mystery of salvation (See RCIA, 75, National Statues for the Catechumenate, 6 and 7).

Guidelines for Implementation:

  1. The parish may celebrate a Rite of Acceptance more than once in a liturgical year when the readiness of the inquirers is discerned, however, each catechumen should understand that the Catechumenate period is at least a year long, not counting the period of inquiry.
  2. Lent is the proper time for the intense preparation of the elect.

Celebration of the Rites

The rites of the Order of Christian Initiation—to be celebrated in the context of the Sunday assembly except where the RCIA indicates otherwise — are the Rite of Acceptance and Welcome, the Scrutinies and the Sacraments of Initiation.

Guidelines for Implementation:

  • It is strongly recommended that the Rite of Sending be celebrated in the parish on a Sunday prior to or on the day of the Rite of Election, which is celebrated by the bishop in a diocesan liturgy.

Team Implementation of the RCIA

The pastor is responsible for the formation of a parish team to implement the Christian Initiation process.

Guidelines for Implementation:

  • The Christian Initiation team should reflect the cultural and other diversity in the parish and respond to special catechetical needs.

Celebration of Initiation at the Easter Vigil

The Easter Vigil is the proper time for the celebration of the sacraments of initiation. Catechumens, including children of catechetical age, are to receive the sacraments of initiation at the Easter Vigil (See RCIA, 8 and 17; National Statutes for the Catechumenate, 14 and 18).

Guidelines for Implementation

Complete Initiation of Children Who Have Reached the Age of Reason

When a child who has reached the age of reason (seven years or older) is baptized, the sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist are to be conferred within the same celebration (See National Statutes for the Catechumenate, 18).


Canon 852.1 states that what is prescribed in the canons on the baptism of an adult applies to all who have attained the use of reason.


Canon 97.2 states that with the completion of the seventh year a person is presumed to have the use of reason.


Canon 866 states that unless there is a grave reason to the contrary, an adult who is baptized is to be confirmed immediately after baptism and participate in the celebration of the Eucharist, also receiving Communion.


Therefore, children seven years or older who are baptized are to be confirmed and receive Communion within the same liturgical celebration.


Furthermore, Canon 883.2 states that a priest who baptizes a child seven years or older has the faculty of administering confirmation by the law itself. Canon 885.2 states that a priest who has this faculty must use it for those in whose favor the faculty was granted. Therefore, neither the priest nor the parents have the option to delay confirmation for a child who is baptized at age seven years or older.

Participation in Rite of Election and Call to Continuing Conversion

All parishes with catechumens who will be fully initiated and/or candidates who will be received into the full communion of the Catholic Church should participate in the Diocesan Rite of Election and Call to Continuing Conversion.

Guidelines for Implementation:

  1. All catechumens and candidates (age seven and above) should participate in the Rite of Election and Call to Continuing Conversion preceded by the Rite of Sending at the parish.
  2. Catholic children, baptized as infants and celebrating only the sacrament of Eucharist for the first time, are not considered candidates and should not participate in the Rite of Election and Call to Continuing Conversion.

Resolution of Previous Marriage Cases

Every effort should be made to assist persons in situating the process of the annulment or declaration of freedom to marry in the context of their ongoing conversion to the Catholic Faith.


Persons who have broken marriages in their backgrounds may be enrolled and admitted as catechumens and candidates, but they should have already submitted their petitions to the Tribunal before taking these steps.


These persons may not participate in the Rite of Election unless their previous marital status has been resolved by the Tribunal.

Guidelines for Implementation:

  1. Cases of persons in need of rectifying their marital situation and hoping to be initiated at the Easter Vigil should be submitted to the Tribunal in the early fall preceding the Vigil.
  2. The Tribunal will attempt to indicate by Ash Wednesday if the case is headed toward a favorable completion before the Easter Celebration. This is not a guarantee since some cases experience unusual difficulties.
  3. Persons should not be led along with false or unreasonable expectations.

Reception into Full Communion

In accord with the National Statutes for the Catechumenate, it is preferable that reception into full communion be celebrated at a time other than the Easter Vigil. However, pastoral reasons may suggest the use of the combined rites at the Easter Vigil as found in Appendix I of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. A clear distinction should be made in the celebration between persons who are being initiated and those who are being received into full communion (See National Statutes for the Catechumenate, 33 and 34).

Guidelines for Ecumenical Sensitivity in the Catechumenal Process

Issued by Bishop Robert Brom, 6/2/97


  1. Only if, after serious investigation, there is doubt whether someone was baptized, or whether Baptism was conferred validly, should Baptism be administered conditionally.
  2. In their initiation process, Candidates, that is those who have already been baptized, particularly those who exhibit some degree of Christian formation, should not be placed Guidelines for Ecumenical Sensitivity in the Catechumenal Process in the same classification as Catechumens, that is, those who have not been baptized. However, for pastoral reasons, candidates may benefit from the same sessions offered to the catechumens in the initiation process.
  3. Candidates are invited to participate in the Liturgy of the Word and may choose to stay for the Eucharistic Prayer at Mass, provided they do not receive Communion until they are fully initiated into the Roman Catholic Church. The choice to remain for the entire Mass belongs to the candidates. However, for pastoral reasons, pastors and catechists may wish to invite candidates, along with catechumens, to participate in dismissal after the Liturgy of the Word in order to continue breaking open the Word.
  4. Candidates should not be referred to as “converts.” Only catechumens, after their Baptism, are considered to be converts to the Faith.

Preparation of Parents for the Baptism of an Infant

Pastors and/or clergy, with the assistance of a baptismal team, should prepare parents for the baptism of their child (See Decree on Christian Initiation, General Introduction, #13). In addition to the initial interview, at least one formal session of baptismal preparation should be provided by the parish community.

Guidelines for Implementation:

  1. The baptism of a child offers a key moment in the evangelization of parents. Every effort should be made to ensure that the initial contact with the parish, the interview process, and the baptismal preparation are occasions of welcome, invitation and hospitality. This process of preparation can begin even before the birth of the child.
  2. The initial interview provides a time to discern the commitment of at least one parent or the person who lawfully takes the place of the parent to raise the child in the faith (Code of Canon Law, canon 868). It is also a time to guide parents in the selection of suitable godparents.
  3. The preparation process should assist parents in assuming their role as parents and primary catechists of their child (canon 851, §2). This occasion should be viewed as an opportunity for evangelization, helping parents to grow in their spiritual life from their current level of faith commitment.
  4. The baptismal team should be comprised of catechists and other qualified lay persons.

Baptismal Catechesis

In preparing for the baptism of their infant, parents are expected to participate in the parish process of baptismal catechesis before their infant will be baptized (canon 851, §2). An infant in danger of death is to be baptized without delay (canon 867, §2).

Guidelines for Implementation:

  1. Baptismal catechesis is to be based on the Rite itself and assists parents in understanding the meaning of the sacrament and the obligations which are attached to it (Rite of Baptism, Introduction #5.1).
  2. Parents who have recently participated in baptismal catechesis (within 2-3 years) are not required to attend again, but could be encouraged to attend as an opportunity to deepen their understanding of the sacrament.

Delay of Baptism

Following the long standing tradition, infants are baptized into the faith of the Church and should not be deprived of the Sacrament of Baptism (Rite of Baptism, Introduction, #2).

Guidelines for Implementation:

  1. Infants are considered those who have not yet reached the age of reason, i.e. seven years of age and those who are not responsible for themselves (canon 852).
  2. Baptism of infants should be celebrated within a few weeks of birth (canon 867, §1).
  3. While it is not customary to refuse baptism, the sacrament is to be delayed if there is not a founded hope that the child will be raised in the Catholic religion. Parents should be advised of the reason for the delay (canon 868, §1, 2°).
  4. In the case of single parents or parents in irregular marriages, baptism should not be delayed if there is a founded hope that the child will be raised in the Catholic religion.
  5. In cases of pending adoption, baptism should be delayed until the adoption is finalized.

Requirements of Godparents

Godparents, together with parents, present the infant to the Church for baptism. The selection of two godparents is customary, but only one, either male or female, is required for baptism. If two godparents are chosen, one should be male and one female (canon 873).


  1. A godparent must be a fully initiated Catholic (have received Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist) and should have completed his/her sixteenth year unless the pastor makes an exception for a just cause (canon 874, §1, 2° and 3°).
  2. A godparent must be a practicing Catholic leading a life in harmony with the Catholic faith and the role of godparent (canon 874, §1, 3° and 4°).
  3. A godparent cannot be the parent of the infant (canon 874, §1, 5°).
  4. Godparents are to be encouraged to participate in a parish baptismal preparation process.


A Christian, baptized in another faith tradition, may not serve as godparent, but may serve as a witness along with the Catholic godparent and should be recorded accordingly (canon 874, §2).

Guidelines for Implementation:

  1. Parents take responsibility for choosing a godparent or godparents who will serve as good examples for living the Catholic way of life. As a mark of the continuity between baptism and confirmation, a godparent may later serve as the sponsor of the child when he or she is confirmed (canon 893, §2). A Christian witness may not serve as a sponsor for confirmation.
  2. Where there is a cultural practice of multiple godparents, pastors may allow the family to involve a number of people in the celebration. However, only one set of godparents is recorded (canon 873).

Responsibility of Parents to Insure Religious Education

Following baptism, it is the responsibility of the parents to raise the child in the faith and ensure the child’s formal religious education. It is the responsibility of the parish to provide support and assistance to parents in raising their children in the faith (Rite of Baptism, Introduction, #5.5).


Guideline: 1


The Parish Director of Catechetical Ministry is the professional staff person responsible for the coordination and administration of the total religious education program of the parish under the supervision of the Pastor. Depending on the size and structure of the parish, this person may be assisted by other staff persons responsible for one or more specific areas, i.e., sacramental preparation, elementary religious education, youth ministry programs, young adult programs, adult religious education programs, Hispanic programs, etc.


In parishes where there is more than one Director, close cooperation and communication with each other, under the leadership of the Pastor, shall be emphasized to insure unity in all programming.


Responsibilities of the Director of Catechetical Ministry (DCM)




  • To develop a philosophy of religious education for the parish in collaboration with other professional staff and parish leadership.
  • To assess the total religious education needs of the parish in collaboration with other professional staff and parish leadership.
  • To establish goals, objectives and strategies for parish catechetical ministry in collaboration with other professional staff and parish leadership.
  • To assess progress toward goals at regular intervals, in collaboration with other professional staff and parish leadership.




  • To design or otherwise assure strong catechetical programs to meet the needs at each level.
  • To enable leadership to respond to the needs at various levels.
  • To oversee all programs and supervise those conducted by coordinators and volunteers.
  • To assure the selection of appropriate catechetical texts and materials according to diocesan guidelines, in collaboration with professional staff.
  • To encourage parental participation in appropriate programs.
  • To evaluate all programs at regular intervals, in collaboration with professional staff.




  • To recruit, screen, inservice coordinators and others responsible for servicing programs, in collaboration with professional staff.
  • To be a resource person to all coordinators.
  • To recruit, screen, inservice catechists.
  • To provide training for catechists in accordance with diocesan guidelines.
  • To provide opportunities for on-going education and spiritual formation of personnel.
  • To inform personnel of opportunities for professional courses/workshops for spiritual growth.
  • To recognize, encourage and support the catechetical efforts of those involved in the programs.
  • To evaluate all personnel and supervise paraprofessionals and volunteers in collaboration with professional staff.




  • To organize and supervise the parish Religious Catechetical Center.
  • To oversee proper use of parish facility.
  • To develop job descriptions for program coordinators in accordance with diocesan guidelines.
  • To develop a budget in collaboration with professional staff.
  • To be responsible for overseeing the expenditures of money.
  • To assure the maintenance of catechist and student records.
  • To prepare and recommend policies and procedures regarding parish religious education to Pastor/Education Committee/Parish Pastoral Council in collaboration with professional staff.
  • To coordinate the scheduling of all religious education programming.
  • To conduct meetings of catechetical staff.
  • To organize a parish Catechetical Resource Center.




  • To meet regularly with the pastor and pastoral team.
  • To serve as an ex officio member of the parish board for educational ministry or parish pastoral council.
  • To communicate policies and procedures to parents, students, catechists, team members and other adults in collaboration with the professional staff.
  • To prepare a master calendar for catechetical ministry in collaboration with professional staff and parish leadership.
  • To maintain close communication with the Diocesan Office for Evangelization and Catechetical Ministry.
  • To participate in local community and ecumenical religious education activities.


  • To be available to parents, students and adults for consultation, advice, referral.
  • To serve as a resource to parish groups when appropriate.


The Coordinator is the compensated or non-compensated person responsible, under the Director of Catechetical Ministry, for the implementation of the catechetical program in a specific area.


The Program Coordinator may also be a paid professional staff person, such as the Coordinator of Youth Ministry, the RCIA Coordinator, the Coordinator of Adult Faith Formation, the Parochial School Coordinator, etc. Where the coordinator is a paid professional staff person, diocesan guidelines for qualification and job description of the position are normative. In any case, the Coordinator of a particular program should be knowledgeable and competent in the program area, and should take advantage of on-going education and growth through courses and workshops.


Responsibilities of the Program Coordinator

  • To collaborate in the development of philosophy of catechesis, needs, assessment, goal setting and evaluation.
  • To give input regarding budgetary needs, program planning and scheduling, procedures and policies for catechetical or evangelization programs.
  • To recruit personnel needed for particular program (catechists, aides, substitutes, team members, facilitators, sponsors, etc.).
  • To insure readiness of facility.
  • To provide materials for catechists and aides.
  • To provide community experiences for group for which she/he is responsible.
  • To participate in catechetical or evangelization meetings, where appropriate.
  • To avail of opportunities for professional, personal and spiritual growth.


Responsibility for the program area should be commensurate with the professional preparation and experience of the coordinator, safeguarding at all times the integrity of the total catechetical education program of the parish.


These competencies are taken from Guidelines for the Certification of Parish Catechetical and Youth Ministry Coordinators, developed by the California Catholic Conference of Diocesan Directors of Catechetical Ministry and the Region XI Diocesan Directors of Youth Ministry, 1989.


Core Competencies

  • Apply appropriate principles of human development, especially faith and moral development to a catechetical program.
  • Utilize appropriate methodologies of child-centered and/or adult-centered learning;
  • Implement a program of catechist formation according to diocesan certification norms;
  • Select an appropriate curriculum design consistent with the [National Directory for Catechesis] and diocesan norms;
  • Articulate a vision of catechesis and the catechetical process in light of the applicable documents and pastoral letters of the Church;
  • Assist people to understand and interpret their life and faith experiences in light of Scripture, the Church’s tradition and their culture;
  • Discern and call forth the talents and gifts of various individuals in order to develop and sustain diverse leadership within a program;
  • Promote multilingual and multicultural ministry by involving the parish community in Christian faith experiences reflecting the ethnic diversity of the Church;
  • Provide opportunities to experience and participate in Christian service, especially linking such opportunities to the fostering of peace and justice;
  • Apply appropriate managerial principles and administrative skills to the coordination of a parish program;
  • Provide opportunities for participation in prayer, personal spiritual development and communal worship while maintaining sensitivity to the cultural practices of the faith community;
  • Develop systems to extend program opportunities to groups and individuals less likely to participate because of factors such as physical or developmental disabilities, educational disadvantages, language barriers or social alienation;
  • Assure that appropriate legal and moral responsibilities are provided for within the context of a parish program;
  • Maintain a collaborative relationship with other pastoral staff, parish ministry leadership, diocesan offices and colleagues in the field;
  • Facilitate the planning, implementation and evaluation of both long-range and short range program goals in light of the specific needs and ethnic-cultural composition of the parish.



The preferred academic qualifications in our diocese for the professional Director of Catechetical Ministry are:

  • The Masters in Religious Education; or
  • A Masters in Religious Studies or Theology with an understanding of contemporary catechetics;
  • An Advanced Degree with a Certificate in Catechetical Ministry issued by the San Diego Diocesan Institute.


The preferred academic qualifications in our diocese for the Program Coordinator are:

  • B.A. in Religious Education or in Religious Studies or Theology with an understanding of contemporary catechetics;
  • Diploma in Religious Education issued jointly by the Diocese of San Diego and the University of San Diego between the years 1977-1993.
  • Certificate in Catechetical Ministry issued by the San Diego Diocesan Institute.


The Certificate in Catechetical Ministry provides fundamental Catholic theological, doctrinal, and catechetical formation for interested adults wishing to pursue ministry in the areas of Director of Catechetical Ministry, Program Coordinator, or California Master Catechist Certification.


This certificate program offers college-level courses which provide:

  • a general orientation to basic aspects of Church teaching, in the areas of Revelation, Scripture, Jesus Christ, Church, Liturgy, Sacraments, Morality, and Spirituality;
  • a basic orientation in catechetics, catechetical method, and growth and development of the whole person;
  • a course of study which strengthens a person’s talents and gifts for ministry by enriching their understanding of Catholic faith within a pastoral perspective;
  • training to interpret the challenges of contemporary Catholic living and to integrate the Gospel message into both life and ministry.




Completion of the certificate requires:
Current California Catechist Certification or the following courses


C110—Introduction to the Catechism of the Catholic Church (15 hrs) and
S100—Faith Growth: Childhood/Early Adolescence (15 hrs) or
S105 Faith Growth: Adults (15 hrs) and
S120—Catechetics (15 hrs)


(Completion of C110, S120, and S100 or S105 grants California Catechist Certification)
and a minimum of 255 clock hours taken for credit and obtained through the following courses

  • C120—Local Church (15 hours)
  • C200—Introduction to Morality (30 hrs)
  • C210—Introduction to Old Testament (30 hrs)
  • C220—Introduction to New Testament (30 hrs)
  • G100—Fundamental Theology (15 hrs)
  • G120—Introduction to Spirituality (30 hrs)
  • G130—Christology (30 hrs)
  • G140—Ecclesiology (30 hrs)
  • G150—Introduction to Liturgy and Sacraments (30 hrs)
  • G200—Multicultural Pastoral Focus (15 hrs)


Candidates may be dispensed from courses on demonstration of equivalent background, but may transfer in only 90 clock hours from other institutions.



Tuition for 15 hour courses is $50.00.
Tuition for 30 hour courses is $70.00.
Special rates are available for parish groups of 4 or more.
Books and handouts will be approximately an additional $15-25 per course.



Acceptance into the certificate program requires:

  • Completion of a Ministry Profile Form available from the Diocesan Institute Office.
  • Active membership in a parish.
  • Capability of study at the college level.

Candidates may go at their own pace in pursuing the Certificate in Catechetical Ministry, depending on the availability of courses. Ordinarily it will take a minimum of two years to complete.



Candidates should consult the Student Handbook for complete course descriptions and information regarding prerequisites for various courses. The Handbook is available online at:



Courses are offered at a central diocesan site as well as, periodically, at parish sites in Noth County, South Bay, East County and the Imperial Valley. Courses are held on weekdays, evenings, or in intensive summer sessions. Course schedules are available by mail or online at:



Candidates agree to attend class regularly, to be active participants in class discussion, to complete reading, and take exams. Participants will receive grades and transcripts.

For further information regarding Institute Courses and Certificate Program, please call







Persons interested in completing ministry formation as a DCM or Coordinator, should also take the following courses/workshops offered by the Office for Evangelization and Catechetical Ministry: Practical Aspects of Ministry of DCM/Coordinator and Supervision Workshops. The Office for Evangelization and Catechetical Ministry serves as a liaison for Pastors seeking to hire a DCM and persons seeking employment. For further information regarding ministry as DCM or Program Coordinator, please call 858-490-8232.

(prepared by the Office for Human Resources, Diocese of San Diego)


GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Responsible for providing Christian formation, religious education and sacramental preparation to members of the parish faith community.



Religious Educator positions are found in parishes at one or more levels. The series includes the following four levels:


Director of Catechetical Ministry II: Fully responsible for a comprehensive parish religious education program including adult Christian formation. This includes supervising other Religious Education personnel; managing the office; recruitment and training of volunteers; planning programs for adults, teens, children; evaluating program curricula and acting as parish resource person in methods and some areas of theology. The classification requires a MDiv/MA Degree in Religious Studies, Religious Education, or related field and three to five years of experience in the field.


Classification Level: M-5 FLSA Status: Exempt


Director of Catechetical Ministry I: Directs several dimensions of a comprehensive parish religious education program OR has full responsibility for a less comprehensive parish religious education program. This typically includes supervising support staff personnel; recruitment and training of volunteers; planning programs for adults, teens and children; evaluating program curricula and acting as parish resource person in methods and some areas of theology. The classification requires a MDiv/MA degree in Religious Studies, Religious Education, or related field with no experience OR graduate level background in theology/catechetics with experience in the field.


Classification Level: M-4 FLSA Status: Exempt


Catechetical Program Coordinator II: Responsible for a parish religious education program, utilizing a variety of resources to complement the Coordinator’s background and skills. This typically includes managing the Religious Education Office; supervising staff; recruitment and training of volunteers; planning programs for adults, teens or children; and evaluating program curricula. The classification requires a Bachelor’s Degree in Religious Studies or related field, or Certificate in Catechetical Ministry, and parish experience.


Classification Level: M-3 FLSA Status: Exempt

Catechetical Program Coordinator I: Responsible for implementing and overseeing a narrowly conceived religious education formation program or one facet of a total parish program. The classification typically supervises volunteer staff, recruits catechists, plans and chairs meetings, schedules classes and facilities, orders materials and books and, in general, carries out program organizational details for the Pastor, Religious education director or Coordinator. The classification requires the related education and experience to perform basic religious education responsibilities. Participation in an educational program toward a Certificate in Catechetical Ministry helpful.


Classification Level: M-2 FLSA Status: Exempt




GENERAL DESCRIPTION: To develop and implement activities and programs designed to build up the faith life of adults in the parish for the purpose of enriching the faith life of the whole parish. Assesses needs of parish adults for spiritual, intellectual, emotional and religious growth. Conducts or coordinates programs, counseling and spiritual direction.




Director of Adult Faith Formation: The Director of Adult Faith Formation is responsible for directing, facilitation and conducting a number of adult faith activities and programs in a parish. The programs typically include RCIA, RENEW, scriptural study, retreats, support groups, Small Christian Communities, etc. The position is responsible for budget preparation, needs assessment and retraining of volunteers. He/she operates with a high level of delegation from the pastor and should have a Masters Degree in Religious Studies, Religious Education, or a related field or equivalent experience and education as well as spiritual leadership skills.


Classification Level: M-4 FLSA Status: Exempt


Coordinator of Adult Faith Formation: The coordinator is responsible for conducting and directing adult faith formation activities and established programs in a parish. The program at this level does not possess the breadth described by the Director level above. The coordinator would serve more as a direct contact and resource for small groups and facilitate prepared educational programs. The position would probably not have budget responsibility nor would it coordinate speakers series. The position operates with oversight and assistance provided by the pastor and should require a Bachelor’s Degree in a related field, certification in catechetical ministry or equivalent experience and education.


Classification Level: M-2 FLSA Status: Exempt


The Diocese of San Diego provides an Employee Assistance Program for all employees of the diocese through Horizon Health. The program is free to employees and eligible household members.


The Employee Assistance Program (E.A.P.) provides confidential services for a wide range of concerns that include:

  • Difficulties in Relationships
  • Emotional/Psychological Issues
  • Stress and Anxiety Issues with Work or Family
  • Alcohol and Drug Abuse
  • Grief Issues
  • Legal or Financial Issues
  • Personal and Life Improvement
  • Depression


To access services, please call the toll free number—1-800-342-8111 or log on to (login—dosd; password—eap).

The service is paid for by the employer as an employee benefit. Assessment, referral and up to eight face-to-face counseling services are available.


The following rules of conduct are taken from the Personnel Manual for the Diocese of San Diego. The following categories include, but are not limited to, those types of conduct that are considered unacceptable and may be the basis of disciplinary action up to and including termination:

  • Inability or unwillingness to work harmoniously with others;
  • Insubordination;
  • Violation of safety regulations;
  • Unauthorized removal of church property;
  • Gambling on parish time or property;
  • Possession, use, distribution, dispensing or selling of illegal drugs;
  • Working under the influence of alcohol or other intoxicants;
  • Harm or threat of harm to persons or property;
  • Possession of a weapon or explosives on church property;
  • Unexcused absences or tardiness;
  • Sleeping on working time, wasting time;
  • Misrepresenting, falsifying or concealing information;
  • Improper use of parish resources;
  • Failure to protect parish business interests;
  • Soliciting others or distributing literature without permission;
  • Conviction of a felony, or misdemeanor involving moral turpitude;
  • Other criminal conduct even though not resulting in a conviction;
  • Unsatisfactory job performance;
  • Behavior which seriously and/or publicly violates the official teachings of the Catholic Church;
  • Sexual misconduct or sexual harassment.


Revised October 1, 1995
Personnel Manual, Diocese of San Diego


Purpose: The Office for Evangelization and Catechetical Ministry fosters the evangelizing, catechizing mission of the Church by assisting parishes in forming true disciples of Christ through a) missionary activity directed to non-believers; b) initial proclamation directed to those inquiring about the faith; c) initial catechetical activity directed to catechumens and to candidates seeking full communion; d) pastoral activity directed to the baptized but uncatechized and the unchurched and e) permanent catechesis centered around ongoing conversion, discipleship, maturity in faith and fullness of life in Christ.

The Office offers vision and framework for evangelization and catechetical ministry that is grounded in Scripture and based on The Diocesan General Plan, The Catechism of the Catholic Church; The National Directory for Catechesis, Go and Make Disciples, and Our Hearts Were Burning Within Us. The office provides formation for catechists, preschool through adult, including those with special needs and serves in the formation and resourcing of parish catechetical and evangelization leadership in the areas of Catechetical Programming; Evangelization; RCIA; Adult Faith Formation; Infant Baptism; and Small Christian Communities.

Goal One: To promote enthusiastic evangelization and systematic, authentic catechesis embracing Catholics of all ages who are in need of ongoing evangelization and thorough catechesis.

Objective A: To assist and encourage parish evangelization and catechetical leadership through ongoing formation, inservice, consultation and support.

Strategies: To offer regular inservice meetings, days of reflection and retreats; to provide courses and workshops on evangelization and catechesis; to provide orientation to new leadership; to review curriculum; to communicate pertinent information; to maintain adequate statistics; to consult on individual basis as needed; to serve as a liaison for hiring parish catechetical and evangelization leadership.

Objective B: To give priority to and promote adult catechesis as the principal form of catechesis.

Strategies: To offer courses, workshops, inservices and suggested resources on adult formation, discipleship, Scripture, inculturation of the Gospel and transformation of the culture; to promote intergenerational and whole parish catechesis.

Objective C: To make accessible audio-visual and curriculum resources for use in programs of evangelization and catechesis.

Strategies: To provide resources through Media and Resource Centers in San Diego and Imperial Valley; to provide a media catalog and resource lists, to consult and recommend media for programming; to provide workshops on the use of media; to maintain a curriculum library.

Goal Two: To form, certify and renew catechists and master catechists.

Objective: To provide formation and renewal opportunities for master catechists and for catechists of preschoolers through adults, including special religious education.

Strategies: To offer Basic Catechist Formation Courses throughout the diocese; to offer specialization courses and workshops in areas such as Preschool, Special Religious Education, Catechetical Methods, Adult Faith Formation, Evangelization, Infant Baptism, RCIA; to provide master catechist formation as needed; to provide renewal opportunities through conferences and workshops; to assist with coordination and implementation of the Annual Conference for Church Ministers; to integrate media and technology into formation programs wherever possible; to issue all certificates and maintain certification and renewal records for all catechists and master catechists.

Goal Three: To promote evangelization and integral catechesis to those who do not know Christ and have not been baptized, and to Christians seeking full communion.

Objective: To assist parish evangelization and initiation leadership through ongoing formation, inservice, consultation and support.

Strategies: To offer courses, workshops and inservice opportunities in developing the evangelizing and initiating dimensions of ministry; to organize parish participation in the Diocesan Rite of Election and Call to Continuing Conversion; to provide consultation and to suggest resources.

Goal Four: To promote the new evangelization and integral catechesis for Catholics who are alienated, inactive or unchurched.

Objective: To raise awareness and support parishes in efforts to evangelize or re-evangelize and to assist in developing the welcoming and evangelizing dimension of parish ministry.

Strategies: To offer inservice opportunities, courses and workshops in developing the evangelizing dimension of ministry; to provide training for Visitadores por Cristo; to serve as a resource.

Goal Five: To integrate pertinent church documents and the six tasks of catechesis into programming.

Objective A: To provide opportunities for leadership, catechists, and adults to explore content, implementation and integration into parish ministry.

Strategies: To offer inservices to Catechetical and Evangelization Leadership; to review and/or revise courses and materials in light of documents where appropriate.

Objective B: To implement aspects of the National Directory for Catechesis which need to be integrated into the work of the Office for Evangelization and Catechetical Ministry.

Strategies: To discuss the implications and implementation with OECM staff and pertinent diocesan offices; to revise the Master Catechist Formation Course, handbooks, guidelines and materials in light of the NDC; to determine the feasibility of integrating and developing initiatives called for by the NDC, such as curriculum guidelines, evaluation of parish catechetical programming, and certification of parish catechetical leadership.

Objective C: To keep updated on current developments in catechesis and evangelization.

Strategies: To study new ecclesial documents and their implications for evangelization and catechesis; to integrate advancements in media and technology, where appropriate.


  • Mission/Philosophy/Goals
  • Overview of Programs
  • Name, phone number of Pastor/DCM/Coordinators
  • Role of DCM/Coordinators
  • Role of Catechetical/Religious Education Board
  • Office Hours
  • Names of Catechists/Assistants/Staff


(may include certification status)


  • Calendar
  • Overview of Curriculum
  • Expectations of Parents (role of parents in religious formation)
  • Policies/Requirements for Sacraments
  • Schedule of Class Times
  • Fees/Scholarships
  • Attendance Policy
  • Student Insurance
  • Discipline Procedures
  • Homework
  • Progress Reports
  • Times when Students are Supervised


e.g. students should be dropped off ten minutes before class and picked up within ten minutes of end of class


  • Accommodating Persons with Special Needs
  • Emergency Procedures
  • Safety Procedures
  • Safe Environment Procedures
  • Calling in absences
  • Early dismissals with note from parents
  • Children can only go home with designated persons
  • Medical information
  • Fire drills
  • Earthquake preparedness
  • Bomb threats
  • Procedures regarding bicycles, skates, skateboards, etc.
  • Parking procedures
  • Student Threats
  • Resources available in parish


In addition to the items in the parent handbook, a catechist handbook could include:

  • Catechist certification/renewal requirements
  • Attendance at inservice meetings
  • Attendance at conferences, etc.
  • Information on size of classes
  • Arrival times/dismissal times
  • Safety information (as in Handbook for Evangelization and Catechetical Leadership)
  • Screening Procedures for Catechetical Personnel
  • Safe Environment Procedures
  • Affidavit Regarding Convictions
  • Child abuse reporting
  • Role of assistants
  • Procedure for catechist absences
  • Lesson plans
  • Use and reservation of equipment and audio visuals
  • Collaboration w/parochial school teachers, if applicable
  • Communication w/parents through DCM
  • Food/drink policy
  • Field trip policies
  • Reimbursement policies
  • How to obtain materials
  • Copying procedures
  • Policies on fund-raising


Family Information

  • Family Last Name
  • Address
  • City/State
  • Home Phone
  • Email Address
  • Mother’s Name
  • Mother’s Religion
  • Occupation
  • Work Phone
  • Religion
  • Marital Status
  • Father’s Name
  • Father’s Religion
  • Occupation
  • Work Phone
  • Marital Status
  • Emergency Contact Person
  • Emergency Contact Phone
  • Relationship to Family


Student Information

  • Name
  • Date of Birth
  • Religion
  • Grade
  • School
  • Male/Female
  • Brothers and Sisters in Program
  • Sacraments Received—Date, Parish, Address of Parish
  • Special Needs (e.g.—Custodial questions)
  • Special Learning Needs
  • Medical Problems
  • Name of Parish where Student Last Attended Religious Education


Bookkeeping Information

  • Date paid
  • Check number
  • Amount
  • Copy of Baptismal Certificate

About the Coat of Arms

Bishop Pulido’s coat of arms is divided into four quarters with wavy horizontal lines from top to bottom. The blue and white lines represent the Blessed Virgin Mary. They also suggest water, which alludes to Jesus washing the feet of His disciples and to the waters of baptism. The red and gold lines represent the Holy Spirit and fire. The colors also can be seen as referring to the Blood that (along with water) poured from Jesus’ side at His crucifixion, as well as to the bread (gold) and wine (red) transformed into the Eucharist. At the center is a roundel featuring a symbolic representation of the “mandatum” (washing of the feet), which he believes exemplifies service to all humanity. The roundel’s outer edge is a line composed of small humps; it is borrowed from the coat of arms of the Diocese of Yakima, where Bishop Pulido served as a priest before being named a bishop.

About the Coat of Arms

Bishop Pham’s coat of arms depicts a red boat on a blue ocean, which is crisscrossed by diagonal lines suggesting a fisherman’s net. This symbolizes his ministry as a “fisher of men,” as well as how his own father had been a fisherman. The boat is also a symbol of the Church, which is often referred to as the “barque of Peter.” At the center of the sail is a red beehive (a symbol of the bishop’s baptismal patron saint, St. John Chrysostom, who was known as a “honey-tongued” preacher). The beehive is surrounded by two green palm branches (an ancient symbol of martyrdom; the bishop’s ancestors were among Vietnam’s first martyrs). The eight red tongues of fire around the boat are a symbol of the Holy Spirit and a representation of the diversity of ethnic and cultural communities. The red of the boat, the beehive and the tongues of fire allude to the blood of the martyrs.

About the Coat of Arms

The coat of arms combines symbols that reflect Bishop Bejarano’s spiritual life and priestly ministry. The main part of the shield shows four wavy vertical lines on a gold background. These represent flowing waters. This alludes to his chosen motto and also symbolizes the graces that come from the Divine life to quench our thirst for God. The upper third of the shield is red because it is borrowed from the coat of arms of the Order of Mercy, of which the Bishop’s patron saint, Raymond Nonnatus, was a member. The central symbol resembles a monstrance because St. Raymond is often depicted holding one. The Eucharist is Bishop Bejarano’s inspiration for his vocation. It was through the Eucharist that he received his call to the priesthood at age seven and which keeps his faith and his ministry going. It represents the call to offer oneself as a living sacrifice. The monstrance is flanked on either side by an image of the Sacred Heart, alluding to the mercy of God and echoing the idea of a sacrificial offering of oneself united to the sacrifice of Christ, and of a rose for Our Lady. It is an allusion to Our Lady of Guadalupe, patroness of the Americas, and highlights the bishop’s Hispanic heritage.
