Healthy Sexuality & Fertility Awareness
As Pope Francis writes in Amoris Laetitia, our sexuality “is a gift from God that enriches the relationship of the spouses. As a passion sublimated by a love respectful of the dignity of the other, it becomes a ‘pure, unadulterated affirmation’ revealing the marvels of which the human heart is capable. (AL, 152) In other words, as a gift of married love sexual intercourse is a symbolic reflection of the inner form of love, which is a vow. “I love you,” means I love you completely
and forever.
Whatever God’s plan for a married couple, true love is always fruitful and life-giving. As married couples renew their vows through sexual intercourse, they are called to responsible openness towards co-creating new life with God. Family planning decisions are prayerfully made through mutual discernment, enlightened by faith.
What is Natural Family Planning (NFP) or Fertility Awareness Based Methods (FABM)?
Natural Family Planning (NFP), or Fertility Awareness Based Methods (FABM), is the umbrella term for the natural, healthy, morally acceptable methods of family planning recommended by the Catholic Church to help couples space, achieve, or avoid pregnancy. It helps married couples either achieve or postpone pregnancies, while respective the love-giving (unitive) and life-giving (procreative) nature of the sexual act. NFP enriches a couple’s relationship while encouraging a level of intimacy that reflects marital love: one that is free, total, faithful, and fruitful. Furthermore, NFP is completely natural, green, and organic – no drugs, devices, or surgical procedures are used to avoid or achieve pregnancy.
During each monthly cycle, a woman normally becomes fertile and then infertile, with her body providing natural signs to indicate where she is in her cycle. Scientifically and medically researched methods of fertility awareness teach couples how to observe and interpret these signs, enabling them to achieve or avoid pregnancy naturally. When couples learn about NFP from an instructor or from an online course, most of them arrive at a greater appreciation for the wonderful gift of their fertility, their sexuality, and their own bodies.
Benefits Of Natural Family Planning
- 100% with No Side Effects
- 97-99% Effective in Avoiding Pregnancy
- Enhances Communication with Partner
- Inexpensive
- Can Help Diagnose Reproductive Health Issues: Infertility, Menstrual Cramps, Endometriosis, etc.
NFP/FABM Providers
Billings Ovulation Method Association
Billings Ovulation Method Association offers training in the Ovulation Method (OM) that charts the presence and changes in cervical mucus. More information is available at or call 651-699-8139.
Family of the Americas
Family of the Americas also offers training in the Ovulation Method. More information is available at
Learn NFP Online, by The Marriage Group
Learn NFP Online, by The Marriage Group offers an introduction to NFP ($25) and online training in the Billings Ovulation Method ($49). More information is available at
Couple to Couple League
Couple to Couple League teaches the Sympto-Thermal Method (STM) using BBT, cervical mucus, and changes in the cervix. More information is available at or call 800-745-8252.
Creighton Model Fertility Care System (CrMs)
Creighton Model Fertility Care System (CrMs) provides instruction in an Ovulation Method (OM) that charts the presence and changes in cervical mucus. More information is available at or call 402-505-8917.
Marquette University College of Nursing Institute for NFP
Marquette University College of Nursing Institute for NFP offers training in the Sympto-Hormonal Method (SHM) that uses hormonal monitoring and may also use BBT and cervical mucus. More information is available at or call 414-288-3854.
SymptoPro provides instruction in the Sympto-Thermal Method (STM) using BBT, cervical mucus, and changes in the cervix. More information is available at or call 971-280-9676.
Whole Mission
Whole Mission: Marquette Method Natural Family Planning Services aims to encourage the family by growing and promoting access to and research for secure methods of natural family planning, specifically the Marquette Method. Learn more at
Vitae Fertility
Vitae Fertility: Vitae Fertility Education teaches the Marquette Method of Natural Family Planning (NFP), a highly effective method of NFP that employs the Clearblue line of home-based fertility monitors to track women’s hormone changes throughout each menstrual cycle. Learn more at
Orchid Fertility & Wellness
Orchid Fertility & Wellness: Orchid is an association of FertilityCare practitioners based right here in San Diego. A practitioner instructs and counsels women in learning the Creighton Model, customizing the program to meet each woman or couple’s individual needs. Learn more at
NFP Ambassadors In San Diego
To learn more about NFP and to help you navigate the NFP landscape, we encourage you to contact one of the NFP Ambassadors in your parish or area. NFP Ambassadors are familiar with the many opportunities for instruction, both in-person and online, and are equipped to help you navigate among them and get started. Some NFP Ambassadors are also trained instructors and may even offer
classes themselves.
Showing 1 to 19 of 19 entries
Additional Resources
Green Sex, The Case for Natural Family Planning: First comes loves, then comes marriage … then what? If sex is natural, why are we so eager to make it artificial? In this presentation, Jason Evert presents the case for Natural Family Planning as he unveils the beauty of God’s plan for sexuality. Jason has spoken about chastity to more than one million people around the world and is the author or more than a dozen books.
FEMM (Fertility Education & Medical Management): We understand the central role of reproductive endocrinology in the management of women’s health. Our goal is to empower women in the achievement of their health and reproductive goals by helping them gain a better understanding of their biology and monthly cycles. We then provide a comprehensive physical and lab workup to diagnose and treat the root causes of health conditions.
Natural Womanhood is a non-profit dedicated to the promotion of fertility charting, as a way to promote disease prevention, self-knowledge, relational intimacy, and effective family planning. Natural Womanhood helps young women and couples regardless of their income, ethnicity, or religion.
CANF (California Association of Natural Family Planning): CANFP unites under one umbrella all those who use, teach, and advocate for NFP, and our members are our strongest resource: the physicians who provide authentic women’s healthcare, the Practitioners and Certified Teachers of all the natural methods instructing couples in its use, the couples who use NFP and reflect its values in their families and communities, the clergy providing the spiritual formation and context, and the churches, dioceses, hospitals, and profile organizations who collaborate in providing access to these services throughout the state.
Contact Information
- Director: John Prust
- Associate Director: Janelle Peregoy
- Associate Director: Wendy Baez
- Administrative Assistant: Vivian Toscano