Reproductive loss often carries tremendous pain, whether it occurs by miscarriage, abortion, early infant death, premature birth, infertility, stillbirth, or special needs diagnosis. This page offers resources so you don’t have to bear this type of grief alone.
Help & Healing
Springs in the Desert
Springs in the Desert was founded to offer spiritual and emotional accompaniment and solidarity to those carrying the cross of infertility.
The Infertility Companion for Catholics: Spiritual and Practical Support for Couples
This resource, by Angelique Ruhi-Lopez and Carmen Santamaria, describes the Church’s teaching on reproductive technologies and provides a rich spiritual perspective on the emotions and faith involved in embracing the cross of infertility.
Miscarriage Hurts
A website for those who have experienced miscarriage, or are close to someone who has. It offers a safe place to share your story, help you better understands your own personal experience, and connect you to resources that can provide support for your specific needs.
Red Bird Ministries
Red Bird Ministries is a Catholic grief support ministry serving individuals and couples who have experienced the loss of a child from miscarriage through adulthood.
Rachel’s Hope Ministry
Rachel’s Hope offers after-abortion healing and reconciliation retreats for Catholic women (or Catholic-friendly women). The ministry offers assistance to anyone who has lost hope that they can do anything to halt the downward spiral of depression and grief.
Abortion Changes You
A confidential space for those who are touched by abortion, whether the experience happened recently or years ago. This website is a refuge for those who wish to tell their story and begin the process of healing.
God’s Mercy Awaits You: Find Healing After Abortion
by Sr. Patricia Marie Barnett, RGS, helps women and men find healing and reconciliation after an abortion.
Ministry Resources
Life Perspectives, based right here in San Diego, provides training and other resources to faith leaders in caring for and accompanying those who have suffered from various reproductive losses.
Grief & Abortion: Creating a Safe Space to Heal was developed in consultation with a group of professors, therapists, and peer counselors to answer questions like, How can I help those who suffered from reproductive loss? How can I be a safe place? How can I better understand someone’s response after an abortion and what the healing process might look like?
Elizabeth Ministry International offers an incredible array of resources to support parishes and pastoral leaders in offering hope, help and healing in areas related to relationships, sexuality, and childbearing.
Pastoral Guide: Miscarriage, Stillbirth or Newborn Loss, from Elizabeth Ministry International, provides pastoral ministers with the background, evidence, and tools they need to provide pastoral care for families who experience miscarriage or stillbirth.
What Parish Leaders Should Know about Ministering to Couples Experiencing Infertility (Webinar) by Angelique Ruhi-López, Carmen Santamaría, authors of The Infertility Companion for Catholics
Contact Information
- Director: John Prust
- Associate Director: Janelle Peregoy
- Associate Director: Wendy Baez
- Administrative Assistant: Vivian Toscano