Advancing Our Mission
The 2025 Annual Catholic Appeal enables us to fund our pastoral center ministry offices and programs that help our community members to live their faith. They include our schools and programs to support faith formation at all ages, to strengthen families, to promote a culture of life, to care for creation, to engage youth and young adults, to assist the marginalized, to sustain our clergy and those preparing for the priesthood, and to extend a helping hand to the marginalized.
Catholic Schools

Catholic schools provide a quality education in a nurturing, safe environment that treats each student as an individual. The schools continuously invest in staff development to be able to deliver innovative instruction and leadership. Our education is centered on Catholic values that prepare future leaders in our Church and in our society, needed now more than ever.
Faith Formation

In synodal consultations throughout the diocese, thousands of Catholics expressed that celebrating the sacraments is a priority for them, as is participating in their parish community. Diocesan pastoral offices provide a wide range of bilingual trainings, conferences and workshops to support those priorities, working with our partners in our parishes, schools and ministries.
Catholic Charities

Catholic Charities works to meet the basic needs of our region’s most vulnerable. In 2023, the agency opened a day shelter in El Centro, providing services for the homeless struggling to survive the extreme conditions in the Imperial Valley. And the agency continued to help asylum-seekers legally in the U.S., mainly women and children, to reach their final destination.
Clergy Formation and Support

The Annual Catholic Appeal supports priestly formation, enabling our seminarians to prepare for their vocation. The ACA funds the pastoral care of retired priests, who have dedicated their lives to ministering to our community members. And these funds support the preparation and ongoing formation of permanent deacons. Currently, we have 13 seminarians and 52 retired priests in our diocese.
2025 Annual Catholic Appeal
2025 Campaña Católica Anual
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