Greeting some 30,000 pilgrims in St. Peters Square on Sunday, May 1, Pope Francis said: Today, we begin the month dedicated to the Mother of God. I would like to invite the faithful and all communities to pray the rosary every day during the month of May for peace. As we begin May – the Rosary Month specially dedicated to our Blessed Mother we want to honor and pray for those that support the missions by making Mission Rosaries to distribute to the missionaries when they come to our diocese. Many of these rosaries supplied to all Catholic Schools and Religious education programs. The children love to receive these rosaries and learn about the importance of praying to our Blessed Mother to intercede for their brothers and sisters living in mission lands.
Special thanks to Gloria Damecki from St. Marys Church in Escondido, Ray, Maria Cruz, and family from Resurrection Church in Escondido and Rosary makers group from St. Mary Magdalene Church.