Seasonal Resources

Feast Of Our Principal Patron San Diego De Alcalá

November 7 is the Feast of our Principal Patron, San Diego de Alcalá

Order for the Reception of the Holy Oils

“Each year when the bishop blesses the oils and consecrates the chrism, the pastor should see that the oils from the previous year are properly disposed of by burning and that they are replaced by the newly blessed oils.” (Book of Blessings, 1127) The old oils may be burned in the Easter Fire at the Easter Vigil Mass. It would be appropriate to also burn other retired sacred objects in the Easter Fire.


The Disposal and Replacement of the Paschal Candle

What is the appropriate protocol to dispose of old paschal candles?


Liturgy Preparation Aid for Lent-Triduum-Easter 2024 Year B

The annual preparation aid for Lent-Triduum-Easter 2024 Year B provided by the Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions (FDLC), is available in both English and Spanish.

English | Español
