Our Faith
Faith Rooted in Love
What we believe today — the faith, hope and love that move us — began 2,000 years ago with Jesus of Nazareth, our Lord and Teacher.
During his short life on earth, he lived what he preached — that we should love each other like God loved us. To show us, he healed the sick and consoled the afflicted. And he called on us to treat each other like brothers and sisters, recognizing in each person the dignity of who we are: “The image and likeness of God.”
Jesus’ life, message, death and resurrection transformed the history of humanity forever.
The men and women who accompanied Jesus, who listened to his teachings and witnessed his healings, became his disciples. They disseminated his message through what became our Gospels, the Good News that sustain and nourish our faith. The disciples journeyed to to all corners of the world to announce it; that’s where the name “Catholic” comes from, it means “universal.”
From the beginning, his disciples were persecuted, because Jesus’ teachings of fraternity, mercy and justice clashed with governing systems, oppressors and slave owners. They gathered in homes to read the Gospels and the letters from the Apostles, to celebrate the Eucharist and to help each other, especially caring for the most needy among them.
Faith in Action
Today, that community of believers tops 1.3 billion in all corners of the earth, guided by our Holy Father, Pope Francis.
We believe that through personal encounter with the Sacraments and moments of prayer we gain an intimate knowledge of Jesus and his message, and from that knowledge springs the will to love and serve like he did.
In times of crisis, more than ever, we believe we have to return to the source, the living water that is Jesus
Although throughout history the Church has evolved and accompanied social and cultural changes, Jesus’ teachings remain. Like in those first days, we continue to believe and announce Jesus’ message, though we recognize the advances of human knowledge, especially in new technologies.
Our faith is accompanied by the daily work to promote peace, to care for creation and to seek justice. Actions speak louder than words, as the Gospel of Matthew tells us: “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.”
We believe that the Church is not only the parish, the diocese or even the Vatican. It’s people, you and me.
Where Do I Start?
This website presents the opportunities our Diocese offers you to walk with our community, your brothers and sisters, as we learn and practice our faith, deepen our relationship with God, and share the Good News of Jesus of Nazareth.