Deepening Your Relationship With God At Home
We are created by God to be and live in communion with each other. The family is the micra ekklesia (“little church”), a place that St. John Paul II described as “a living reflection of and a real sharing of God’s love for humanity and the love of Christ the Lord for the Church His bride.” (Familiaris Consortio)
Pope Francis’ Amoris Laetitia offers us a pastoral guide on how to continue building our domestic church. Regarding raising children in faith, Pope Francis recommends that parents “need symbols, actions and stories” and “moments of family prayer and acts of devotion…which can be more powerful for evangelization than any catechism class or sermon” (AL 288). Utilizing these areas of growth, families can continue to build the domestic church in their own homes.
Remember, the process of building your domestic church does not occur by spontaneous generation; rather, it must be prepared, requested and desired with an open heart. It has its ups-and-downs, but throughout there is the breath of the risen Lord who lives and constantly reminds us, “Do not fear,” “Peace,” and “I am with you” until the end of days.
Please see below for some tips and suggestions for growing your domestic church.
How To Build Your Domestic Church
Prayer is about deepening a relationship with God. There is no style that is “holier” than another. Does your family “check in” with God regularly, perhaps at mealtime or bedtime? Does your family pray together before events or at special occasions? Do parents teach children different forms of prayer to spark their spiritual imagination?
Parents’ involvement in the Church has a profound effect on whether their children will practice their Catholic faith. Do they attended Mass regularly? Do parents serve in ministries? Do they share in the parish community, especially with other families? Does the family serve as volunteers, honoring the dignity of life?
Children are alive with imagination and crave stories. Does your family read the Bible together and explore the lives of Jesus and the prophets? Do children know the stories that illustrate mercy and compassion? Are they familiar with the stories of the saints, who model paths to deepening our relationships with God?
We use symbols to communicate our values and our priorities, especially those in the physical space of our homes. Is there religious imagery on your walls? What are the different types of imagery you can use? Is there an obvious “sacred space” created for prayer and communion with each other?
Practical Tips for Praying Together as a Family
- Model and discuss spirituality at home as much as possible. Children will always take appropriate cues from parents who are engaged in their own faith lives.
- Celebrate milestones and everyday moments with prayer. Offer blessings over family members on birthdays, baptismal anniversaries, marriage anniversaries but also for everyday moments - like before big tests, games, when family members get sick, etc. A great resource for this is Catholic Household Blessings and Prayers (USCCB).
- Incorporate the liturgical calendar into the family calendar. Are there any feast days that are special to your family? Consider changing table or home décor to reflect different liturgical seasons and/or offering special Advent, Lenten or Easter prayers every Sunday night of that season. Consider creating liturgical decorations (such as Advent wreaths) with children. Try Catholic Mom, Teaching Catholic Kids, Catholic Icing, Catholic Sprouts, or A Catholic Mom's Life for more suggestions on how to live liturgically as a Catholic family.
- Create prayer habits when the family always prays together, such as prayer before meals or prayer before bedtime. These prayers may look different for each family, but the routine and consistency are key. The message is that God is always with us, and we are always thankful for Him.
- Attend a family retreat together. Our Diocese is blessed to have Whispering Winds Catholic Camp & Conference Center, which offers annual family retreats during the summer and a variety of family-friendly activities throughout the year.
- If you want specific recommendation for prayer resources based on the age of your child or children (toddlers/preschoolers, elementary aged children, and adolescents/teenagers) contact Janelle at
Volunteer as a family for community organizations that serve the vulnerable and honor the dignity of life.
Here is a list of ways to get involved in serving the vulnerable and honoring the dignity of life either at your local parish or with community organizations:
- Brainstorm with your deacon. The deaconate charism is one of living out service to God's people. Your deacon will likely be a wellspring of information about the needs inside and outside of your parish. He is likely able to refer you directly to volunteer coordinators or other contacts at local organizations in need of volunteers.
- Volunteer with Catholic Charities San Diego: help with emergency food distribution, volunteer as a fresh food rescue driver, serve at a homeless shelter, or help welcome new refugee families in the U.S. through migrant shelters. Register through their volunteer portal at
- Participate in events related to 40 Days for Life, a peaceful pro-life campaign to end abortion through prayer and fasting:
- Participate in the annual Walk for Life, a family-oriented annual event to celebrate life, honor human dignity of every person, and advocate for the unborn.
- Volunteer in one of our seventeen pregnancy resource centers and clinics throughout the diocese.
- Adopt a Senior.
- Help bring hope and healing to women and children impacted by human trafficking by volunteering with Children of the Immaculate Heart.
- Donate Christmas cards to prison inmates or participate in a pen-pal program. Contact Robert Ehnow, Director of the Office for Life, Peace, and Justice to learn more:
- Work together as a family to care for creation. Click here for a list of suggestions.
- Consider joining a parish Creation Care Team to implement concrete proposals towards more sustainable and efficient use of God's creation. Contact your parish to learn more.
- Read about specific considerations when discerning how to volunteer as a family at Catholic Mom. For additional volunteer opportunities, explore Volunteer Match.
Share the Bible at home.
Children are alive with imagination and crave stories. Here are some suggestions for honoring the stories of Jesus, the prophets and the saints.
- Model the importance of Scripture to your kids by spending time regularly on your own with the Word of God.
- Enthrone the Bible in your home.
- Practice Lectio Divina as a family
- Read Sunday's Gospel at dinnertime the night before Sunday Mass.
- Practice a Bible-reading challenge.
- Help your children learn about Jesus and other prominent biblical stories through illustrated bibles for kids.
- Teach your children to memorize the Lord's Prayer and other short scriptural prayers and sayings, such as the Hail Mary or "The Lord is my light and my salvation.
Create sacred space and use religious imagery at home.
The symbols we use in our homes communicate our values. Whether one calls it a sacred space, a home altar or a shrine, the space becomes a physical reminder of God's presence in the home as well as an invitation to create and maintain opportunity for time with God.
Some objects that you be included in your home's sacred space include Sacred Scripture, icons or paintings of Jesus, Mary, the Holy Family, or the saints, candles, a tablecloth or prayer shawl, holy water, and flowers. Here are some other ideas.
Parenting Resources
The Office for Family Life and Spirituality offers our companionship through sharing resources and activities to strengthen the family, the domestic church in each home.

Contact Information
- Director: John Prust
- Associate Director: Janelle Peregoy
- Associate Director: Wendy Baez