Catholic parishes throughout San Diego County look forward to resuming weekend Masses on June 14. Some parishes may begin weekday Masses on June 8.
Parishes in the Imperial Valley will not resume public Masses until health conditions permit them.
The Masses will resume with variety of measures intended to maintain proper hygiene, sustain social distancing and reduce the chance of transmission.
The principal measure will be limiting congregants to 25 percent of the capacity of the church, up to a maximum of 100.
Facemasks will be worn by everyone in the church.
Communion will be distributed to the faithful after the final blessing as they leave the church.
The offertory collection will be suspended and instead secure receptacles will be available at the exits for those who wish to contribute.
Parishioners are encouraged to use online giving accessible through parish web sites.
Confessions will be heard with appropriate social spacing, privacy and masks. Parishioners should check with their parish for details.