Event Series Monthly Monday Zoom

Monthly 2nd Monday Zoom


Creation Care leaders and banner carriers! Please join us for a zoom gathering the second Monday of each month to learn, connect and share best practices. We hope to foster greater comfort in leading creation care efforts in our diocese with fellowship and practical support. WHEN: 7:30PM WHERE: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86087731362?pwd=M2Rzb2prZXBLRFJwY2xqd1g0Ym5VZz09 Please fill the form below to...


Community Read: Let Us Dream


Let Us Dream, Pope Francis’ deeply personal reflection on the COVID crises and what is going on around the world, concludes COVID has brought both suffering as well as blessing, offering us the opportunity to shape our future for the better. Find a used or digital copy and join us via Zoom to discuss this...
