Building Your Domestic Church: Symbols

The symbols we use communicate our values and our homes. Is there religious imagery on the walls? Is there an obvious “sacred space” created for prayer and communion with each other?

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If our homes are true “domestic churches”, why would we not set aside special “sacred spaces” for prayer and meditation? Whether you call it a sacred space, a home altar or shrine, or “little oratory”, the space becomes a physical reminder of God’s presence in your home as well as your intention as a family to create “space” for God in your life.

Some objects that you be included in your home’s sacred space include Sacred Scripture, icons or paintings of Jesus, Mary, the Holy Family, or the saints, candles, a tablecloth or prayer shawl, holy water, and flowers.

Here are some more ideas for developing your own “little oratory”:


Wendy Baez
Associate Director
Phone: (858) 490-8295
wbaezEmail at
Janelle Peregoy
Associate Director, Separated and Divorced Ministry
Phone: (858) 490-8292
jperegoyEmail at
Vivian Toscano
Administrative Assistant
Phone: (858) 490-8299
vtoscanoEmail at