Holistic Formation in the Human Person and Sexuality

Sexuality education (Catholic anthropology) is holistic (mind, body, and spirit) and empowers us to protect our health and well-being through recognizing that we are made in God’s image and likeness. (Gen 1:27)

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What does it mean to be “made in God’s image and likeness?” It means that we are created out of love and for love, to love and to be loved, not just spiritually but with the minds and bodies that we’ve been given. Becoming who we are means to be in right relationship with God, with ourselves, and with each other. How we use our bodies to be in right relationship with others is what holistic formation in the human person and sexuality is all about.

It is the responsibility of all of us to help form our children in the proper use of their bodies and minds in order to authentically receive and share God’s love. As in all things, parents are the primary educators of their children, so these resources are naturally geared towards them with the understanding that schools and parishes are called to support and supplement the parental roles in human/faith formation.

Additional Resources

Sex Education and Your Rights as Parents

Natural Family Planning


Wendy Baez
Associate Director
Phone: (858) 490-8295
wbaezEmail at symbolsdcatholic.org
Janelle Peregoy
Associate Director, Separated and Divorced Ministry
Phone: (858) 490-8292
jperegoyEmail at symbolsdcatholic.org
Vivian Toscano
Administrative Assistant
Phone: (858) 490-8299
vtoscanoEmail at symbolsdcatholic.org