Domestic Violence

“The verbal, physical, and sexual violence that women (and men) endure in some marriages contradicts the very nature of the conjugal union,” Pope Francis tells us. This page offers resources to respond immediately to the potential threat in a relationship and to begin a path to spiritual healing.

Upcoming Events

The US bishops have made it clear that “no person is expected to stay in an abusive marriage.” “Violence against women, inside or outside the home, is never justified.” In fact, any form of violence – physical, psychological or verbal – is sinful and often a crime. The person being assaulted needs to know that acting to end the abuse does not violate the marriage promises. Rather, it is the violence itself that violates that “contradicts the very nature of the conjugal union.” If you are a victim or perpetrator of domestic violence, you can find help.

Service Providers:

Ministry Resources:

Pax in Familia invites you to take their online self-paced introductory course on learning how to respond to violence and abuse in Catholic families.


Wendy Baez
Associate Director
Phone: (858) 490-8295
wbaezEmail at
Janelle Peregoy
Associate Director, Separated and Divorced Ministry
Phone: (858) 490-8292
jperegoyEmail at
Vivian Toscano
Administrative Assistant
Phone: (858) 490-8299
vtoscanoEmail at